Present Time, January 2021
No. 202 (Vol. 53, No. 1)
Every single little thing that we do makes a difference. While there may be a tipping point when it seems that one person or event changes everything, it is never about that person. Things shift because so many people's efforts caused little changes that eventually led to a huge breakthrough... Everything we try matters.
Alison Ehara-Brown
- Opposing Irrational Policies Together , Tim Jackins
- A View of Co-Counseling and the RC Community , Francie Chew
- if you move . . ., Rational Island Publishers
- Parenting during the Pandemic , Anonymous
- Finding Ways to Connect with Our Children , Marya Axner
- Our Loving, Pleased Attention , S. J. Shashikala (Shashi)
- We Get to Be Here During the Big Change , Harvey Jackins
- Sunrise Center Workshops , Lois Yoshishige
- Self-Appreciation , Adekunle Akinola
- Showing Our Struggles as Catholics, and the Power of Listening , B—
- Discharging a Sleep-Related Pattern , Aly Halpert
- Teenage Physical Intimacy , Chuck Esser
- Decide, Discharge, and Call—Don’t Spank , Marya Axner
- Unrealistic Expectations of RC , Harvey Jackins
- Introduction to Liberation Theory - Raised-Poor, Gwen Brown
- The Liberation of Immigrants, and Children of Immigrants, of the Global Majority , Cheng Imm Tan
- Interacting With Three of the RC Websites
- Some Facts about Muslims , Azi Khalili
- Copyright Information
- About Racism , Janet Kabue
- Black Gentiles and White Ashkenazi Jews , Marion Ouphouet
- The Raised-Poor Leaders’ Workshop , Wanjiku Kironyo
- My First Raised-Poor Workshop , Chioma Okolo
- quote, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- Genocidio de la población gitana / romaní , Juan Manuel Feito Guerrero
- The Genocide of the Roma (Gypsy) People , Translated from Spanish with “DeepL” online translator
- Class Oppression , Harvey Jackins
- The Liberation of Rural and Raised-Rural People , Beth Bannister
- COVID-19 and Raised-Poor Fat Women , Melissa Cowell
- Artists and Anti-Muslim Oppression , E—
- A Physicians’ Workshop , Eric Lessinger, MD
- Freeing Ourselves from Oppressed and Oppressor Roles , Diane Balser
- Een intensive als project voor mannenbevrijding (Men’s Liberation), en Roel Bosch
- An Intensive as a Project for Men’s Liberation , and Roel Bosch
- A Direct Production Workers’ Workshop, Nshuti Alphonse Uwimana
- Internalized Oppression , Harvey Jackins
- “Racism Check-ins” at Climate Week , Diane Shisk
- Present Time subscriptions
- Don’t Miss the New Sustaining All Life Journal! , Beth Cruise
- Now available The Revised and Updated Fundamentals Teaching Guide and Class Outline (Part I)
- A Nigerian Men’s Workshop , Marshall Ifeanyi
- A Wonderful Coming Together of Nigerian Men , Chijioke Agbaeze
- Building RC in Small Towns and Rural Areas , Margo Hittleman
- Responding to Difficult Times in Nigeria , Chijioke Agbaeze
- Admitting Mistakes, Harvey Jackins
- Accessibility at Online Workshops , Aurora Levins Morales
- Using a Fundamentals Class to Build Leadership , Marshall Ifeanyi
- Basic RC Literature Now Available in Digital Format
- Moving Forward on Several Fronts , Victor Nicassio
- Trying Something New , Pamela Haines
- Ending Racism and Classism in the Climate Movement , Olivia Vincente
- The African Voices Forum , Urbain Romarcic Bamana-Yangou
- The Meaning of “Mother Earth,” Wanjiku Kironyo
- Un círculo de escucha para las jóvenes latinoamericanas (Latin American Women), Malinali Castañeda-Romero
- A Listening Circle for Young Latin American Women , Malinali Castañeda-Romero
- A Yom Kippur Workshop on Facing the Climate Emergency , Ruth Atkin
- A Listening Project Connected to a Photo Exhibit , Stan Eichner and Gladys Maged
- New Year Poem , Aurora Levins Morales
- No Human Enemies, Azi Khalili
- So Important to Discharge on This , Diane Shisk
- The Protests in Belarus , O—
- Why I Chose to Be Arrested , Elvin Landaeus Csizmadia
- Breaking Out of Capitalist Society Is Necessary , Harvey Jackins
- Ending Classism for Everyone , Victor Nicassio
- Parents and Teachers Are Natural Allies , Marya Axner
- An Opportunity to Build a Broad-Based Coalition , Randi Wolfe
- Speaking Out about What We Know as Parents, Rachel Landsberg
- From a Building-Trades Union Member: People Can Change , E—
- Religion and Politics , Cherie Brown
- Reaching Through Hopelessness , Harvey Jackins
- Creating the Schools We Want , Susan Lindsay
- Living Under a Dictatorship , Azi Khalili
- Supporting People Who Can Move Things Forward , Jenny Sazama
- Intentionally Building a Network of Strong and Diverse Relationships , Pamela Haines
- Inaccuracies ad, Rational Island Publishers
- My Work on the U.S. Election , Rebecca Plaut Mautner
- Contacting Ten Thousand Voters , L—
- Listening and Talking to Undecided Voters , Eve Abraham
- Unentschiedenen Wähler*innen Zuhören und mit Ihnen Reden, Von Eve Abraham aus dem Englischen übersetzt
- Don’t Give In to Hopelessness , Dan Nickerson
- Abortion and the U.S. Presidential Election , M—
- The Power of Love , Davida Ginsberg
- An Exciting Time to Be Alive , Jenny Sazama
- A Letter to My President , Marjorie Smith
- A Political Victory in the United States , Diane Balser
- An RC Project to Build Unity? , Aly Halpert
Last modified: 2024-08-13 21:19:36+00