Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald
The articles here communicate the thinking of the author at the time they were written. All of our thinking and policy evolves.
Several ways that you can begin to learn about Re-evaluation Counseling.
A welcome message to new Co-Counselors, outlining some of what is possible in RC.
"The correct specific technique is the one you invent at that moment, for that client, that session."
–Harvey Jackins
Here are some general ideas.
A more detailed statement of the basic theory of RC and the book The Human Side of Human Beings.
From the RC Community’s International Reference Person.
Recent videos from webinars and workshops on topics of current interest
Harvey Jackins was the founder and principal theorist of Re-evaluation Counseling. He died 12 July, 1999. Here are some remembrances of him.
Comprehensive Glossary of terms used in RC, combining basic definitions and the glossary in the RC Community Guidelines