News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

An RC Project to Build Unity?

I am a young adult white Jewish female raised upper-middle class in the U.S. Midwest. 

I’m thinking about how we’re in a moment when nearly half the people in the United States voted for Trump, even after seeing his patterns be acted out for four years. 

I’m wondering if we as RCers could make a more coordinated organizational effort to reach Trump supporters, across all class backgrounds, and confused people in power. What would it be like to have a specific RC project about building unity? About listening to each other across the political spectrum? About connecting with and reaching people in oppressor roles? A project that would help “liberal” middle-class and owning-class people understand classism and reach for working-class people, and vice versa?

Can we figure out who in RC has chains of connection to confused agents of capitalism and figure out how to reach them with the tools of RC?

I wrote a song four years ago when Trump was elected. It was based on articles I’d read about his owning-class background and what had to have happened to him as an owning-class boy for him to become the way he is. It also talked about the people taking over and giving him the chance to discharge about it.

I don’t want to take our efforts away from backing [supporting] People of the Global Majority and other oppressed groups, but I wonder if having a project like this at the same time could help us be even more in touch with reality and our power.

I’d love to hear from everyone but particularly People of the Global Majority, Indigenous people, working-class and raised-poor people, young adults, and young people about what they think of the above proposal.

Aly Halpert

Millerton, New York, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail
 discussion list for USA political issues

(Present Time 202, January 2021)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00