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Azi Khalili


Draft Program for the
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Present Time
January 2025
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Don’t Give In to Hopelessness

I wrote the following in response to a high school classmate’s emotional post that had also been commented on by others. Most of the people who had commented had said they would be relying on alcohol and/or drugs to get through [emotionally handle] the results of the U.S. election.

With all due respect and not to discount anyone’s feelings—I understand them—it is particularly during a time like this that we need to not anesthetize ourselves. Keep your central nervous system squeaky clean [extremely clean], look to others for support, unite with others, take turns listening to each other, cry, shake, and organize. 

I stopped drinking decades ago when I realized that the oppressive powers wanted me stupid and that I could not cooperate with that. As a leader and organizer, I needed to be available 24/7 [twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week] to those in challenging situations. 

This is a time for discipline and not giving in to the faux comforts that our corrupt society offers us. I’m not criticizing or condemning anyone for their feelings. Share your feelings—but act on thinking. Don’t give in to hopelessness. That is just what they hope we will do. Do not cooperate with the illusion of powerlessness that they want to impose on us. As has been said, “Do not mourn, organize.” Remember that, as in 2016, we are not the minority.

We became complacent, and now we must feel the discomfort of having to take action to advance our vision of a just society. Our people are being manipulated, and we must resist. We can’t look to one leader to save us; we must all be leaders. Contact me if you want some encouragement. Regardless of the outcome of the election, this is only the beginning of the struggle. The problems have been there for decades; now they are just more out in the open.

Keep moving forward.

I was worried that the person who had made the initial post would be offended. Her response was, “Amazing words and well received. Thanks.”

Dan Nickerson

Freeport, Maine, USA

Reprinted from the RC e-mail
 discussion list for USA political issues

(Present Time 202, January 2021)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00