News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

FREE Climate Stickers

U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Sustaining All Life (SAL)

A Project of Re-evaluation Counseling

Sustaining All Life (SAL) displayed this and other posters at our booths at COP27. They are now available as downloads for SAL fundraising.

click title to jump to that section


Compilation of video clips from SAL @ NYC Climate Week 2023

Upcoming Events

Our Activities 

SAL Article Handouts

Tools for Leading SAL Events

Past Events 

Sample Outlines of SAL Workshops

Social Media 



Election Support Projects

In many of our countries, electing an administration that will prioritize the climate emergency is a key issue.  In the U.S. the outcome of the November is critical.  We've started a U.S. Election Support Project (sign up here) and are distributing these "bumper stickers" as a way to get people talking about the importance of voting for the climate in this election.

You can order free VOTE CLIMATE bumper stickers here


It is possible to limit the effects of human-caused climate change and restore the environment—and some big changes are needed if this is to happen. These changes will require a massive movement, spanning the globe, of people of every background.

In Sustaining All Life (SAL), we believe that the barriers to building a sufficiently large and powerful movement include:

  • longstanding divisions (usually caused by oppression) between nations and between groups of people within nations,

  • widespread feelings that it’s too late and any actions will be ineffective,

  • denial of or failure to engage with the climate emergency, and

  • difficulties in effectively addressing the connections between the environmental crisis and the failures of our economic system.

Sustaining All Life works to address these issues and others.

Upcoming Events

London Climate Action Week

22 - 30 June

We have 3 in-person events in London for Sustaining All Life at London Climate Action Week this year. Even if you are not in London you may know people who are. This is such important work!

These are a great opportunity for RCers to talk to people about the climate crisis and to invite friends and family to these events. These are well-practised and effective workshops--no jargon and nothing that most people would think weird.

No registration, just come.

Using Listening Skills in a Climate Crisis - Monday 24th June 6 - 7:30 pm.  Led by Caroline New, Gale Burns, and others. Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN   

Buses 21, 38, 56, 73, 341, 476, 5 minute walk from Highbury and Islington (Victoria Line, Overground)

The Importance of Tackling Racism in a Climate Crisis (for white people) - Tuesday 25th June 6 - 7:30 pm.  Led by Christine Sheppard and Sam Silverlock
Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN
Buses 21, 38, 56, 73, 341, 476, 5 minute walk from Highbury and Islington (Victoria Line, Overground)
What’s Sexism got to do with the Climate Crisis - Thursday 27th June 6 - 7:30.  Led by Erin Mansell, Nuala Mai Gathercole, and Gale Burns
Greenpeace, Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN

Buses 21,73, 141, 236, 341, 476, 5 minute walk from Highbury and Islington (Victoria Line, Overground) 
Building Resilience in a Climate Crisis - Sunday 23rd June 3pm a joint Brahma Kumaris and Sustaining All Life event, Led by Shantanu Mandal, Gale Burns and others.

Global Co-operation House, 65-69 Pound Lane, Willesden Green, London NW10 2HH

Buses 6, 206, 226, 98, 260, 266, 297, 302 and 460, 15 minute walk from Dolliis Hill station (Jubilee line)






















Past Events

Sustaining All Life/United to End Racism at the World Social Forum in Nepal

February 15 - 19, 2024

More information here

COP28 in Dubai

Downloadable Flyer of all events (PDF)

Downloadable Poster of all events (PDF)

SAL poster COP28 UAE

Healing the Trauma of the Climate Crisis
Monday, December 4, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (optional listening circle follows)

ANGER. FEAR. DISCOURAGEMENT. GRIEF.  People are experiencing trauma and deep emotions because of the climate crisis. Opportunities to face and heal this trauma are not widely available. This workshop will support participants to heal trauma induced by awareness of the climate crisis and the existential threat that it poses for humans and all life on planet Earth

Eliminating the Effects of Racism on Our Activism
Tuesday, December 5, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (optional listening circle follows)

Racism has had a deeply damaging and divisive effect on everyone, separating us from each other. Unless we address it, it is replicated in any solutions we develop. Healing the effects of racism is a necessary step in creating a strong, diverse, and united movement that can sustain all life and restore the environment. We do this by addressing the injustices from racism and forming deep relationships across the divisions caused by racism. In this workshop we will look at how we have been hurt by racism and tools we can use to heal from it.

Forum: Colonization and Racism in Africa–Relevance to the Climate Emergency
Wednesday, December 6, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (optional listening circle follows)

Africa and her people have been made extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change because of colonization and racism. However, it is possible to heal from the anger, fear, discouragement, and grief, and strengthen one’s resolve to combat and end the emergency. In this forum, Africans share how they have personally experienced racism and colonialism as well as their resolve, commitment, courage, and hope.

Listening Circles: A Powerful Tool for Movement Building
Friday, December 8, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (optional listening circle follows)

This workshop will offer a crash course in facilitating listening circles. Listening circles are an adaptable way to quickly clarify our thinking when we need to reach agreement fast. They can also provide much-needed space for people to share and release the emotions (fear, anger, grief, and so on) we experience when facing the climate emergency. In the long term, listening circles can help us better understand painful experiences that still linger in our minds and continue to affect us. They can help bridge divisions and build stronger connections.

War and Climate Justice
Saturday, December 9, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (optional listening circle follows)

Ending wars and militarism is critical to reducing the effects of the climate crisis. War is a tool of oppression and genocide. It upholds the dominant culture and is used to take control of land and resources. Modern warfare has caused unprecedented environmental damage and massive loss of life.

Loss and Damage: Global Relationships Must Change
Sunday, December 10, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (optional listening circle follows)

This workshop will highlight the human behavior patterns that underlie the Global North’s accumulation of the world’s financial resources. It will suggest some strategies for assisting the Global North to accept its historical responsibility and use its wealth to work together with the Global South to address the climate crisis.


Sustaining All Life & United to End Racism at the Global Climate March, New York City, USA • © Stan Eichner, 2019

Daily events at our pavilion:

Listening Circles: 3:30 - 4:30 pm daily. (English, interpreted into Arabic) 

Listening circles based on shared experiences give people a chance to be listened to about feelings connected to climate change. Having the chance to share feelings of grief, fear, anger, discouragement, and hope in a mutually supportive group can refresh and give us new ideas for action.

Daily game: 4:30 - 5:00 pm daily

Join us daily for some light-hearted fun and stress relief in a Group Game.

New York City Climate Week

Sustaining All Life held in-person events daily at Climate Week NYC , 9 – 5pm EDT. Most events were 1.5 hours and were streamed on Zoom for members of the RC Community and friends. 

See our photo gallery here.

Download the poster showing all our events.

Two events were also be streamed widely:

Voices from the Frontlines of the Climate Emergency, Friday, September 22, 1:30 - 3:30pm

Eliminating the Effects of Racism on Our Work to Sustain All Life, Saturday, September 23, 10:30am - noon.  PDF flyer



SAL at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh

one of many posters SAL created for COP27 in Sharm El-Sheik

Resources for NYC Climate Week Delegation

Resources for COP28 Delegation

Our Activities

SAL/UER at the COPs and climate action summits presents a series of daily workshops, forums, support groups, listening projects, introductory classes, caucuses, and more.

SAL workshop presenters share their perspective on key topics related to the climate emergency and how we have used the tools of Re-evaluation Counseling to free ourselves and others from emotional hurts that have interfered with our functioning. The workshops are interactive, giving participants the chance to share their experiences and be listened to awarely.

SAL forums provide opportunities for people impacted by climate change, activists, indigenous people, and others to speak to an assembled group with their story. Periodically the flow of speakers is paused to give the audience the opportunity to exchange listening with one another in pairs. Everyone appreciates the chance to tell their stories to an interested audience, as well as the chance to hear others' stories.

Followup from COP27

At COP27 in Egypt SAL/UER met many Egyptians who were interested in our work.  Since then we have done a number of online introductions to RC and listening circles with that group.  In July we held a day-long in-person workshop and have been holding monthly in-person day long workshops since that time in the fundamentals of RC.  These monthly workshops are lead by Iman Awadh (an Iraqi RC teacher living in England) and a team of Arabic-speaking Co-Counselors from Morocco and Egypt.  The workshops will continue monthly until December, at which point the Egypt RC Community will be established and led locally.

Past Events

    • COP21: Paris 2015 (narrated slide show)

    • COP22: Marrakech, Morocco 2016

    • COP23: Bonn, Germany 2017

    • COP24: Katowice, Poland 2018

    • Global Climate Action Summit: California, USA 2018

    • Climate Action Week: New York City, USA

      • 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

    • London Climate Action Week:

      • 2020, 2021, 2022

    • COP25: Madrid, Spain 2019

    • COP26: Glasgow, Scotland 2021 (photos)

    • COP27: Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt 2022 (photos: set 1set 2)

    • Watch SAL/UER Workshop Recordings

    • SAL/UER Online Events 2021

Language Liberation

Most SAL/UER events are interpreted
into one or more languages.

Social Media

Facebook: English  Spanish  French

Instagram in English, Spanish, French

Share, Like, and Follow!


Donations made in USD are tax-deductible and all donations help us communicate personal healing tools that are important in efforts to replace the current system with one that meets the real needs of humans and other life forms and that protects and restores our environment.

You may also donate by sending a check
in memo write 'Sustaining All Life'
payable to:
The Re-evaluation Foundation
19370 Firlands Way North
Shoreline, WA 98133



COP26 shirt front

COP25 shirt front

shirt back

Various sizes available at Rational Island by searching "SAL T-shirt." Information about the shirt designs is here.
Questions or having trouble ordering:






Last modified: 2024-06-02 22:10:15+00