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Resources for Our Work to Stop Climate Change

The Unified Goal on the Climate

On August 14, 2022 the World Conference of the RC Communities passed a new Goal: The Unified Goal on the Climate. Tim explained the Goal as follows:

This is a unified goal on the climate. Because of the exceptional, unprecedented situation that exists today, I wanted to change once again the way we use our Goals.

My intent is that this Goal become our primary Goal for the next four years—because what happens in the next four years will significantly affect the quality of life for our children and grandchildren.

This Goal does not make our other Goals less important. Indeed, it clarifies their importance. We cannot achieve any Goal on the climate without working just as hard on all of our other Goals. So the Unified Goal on the Climate is structured in this form: First, the central Goal on the Climate and the reason for it are stated. Then, in the following sections the Goal on the Climate is interwoven with accomplishing all of our other Goals. I do want you to read the whole Unified Goal carefully.

This Goal has its own unique structure compared to our other Goals. It is a big undertaking that we are proposing, and many of us have worked hard to state this Goal as well as we could.

Tim Jackins
"Introducing the Unified Goal on the Climate"
Present Time 209, October 2022, page 15.

(click title to go to that section)

Excellent Overview Videos

What's Happening with the Climate?

Climate Justice

RC Draft Program

Teaching about Climate in Classes

RC Webinar Videos

RCers Addressing Climate

Climate Emergency Experiences

Climate Emergency Coordinators Resources

Sustaining All Life (SAL) displayed the poster below and many others at our booths at COP27. They are available for download as a fundraiser for SAL.

Excellent Climate Videos (non-RC)

Three Strategies for Effectively Talking about Climate Change
And accompanying PDF "Talk Like a Human"

Energy Profits
Profits reaped by the Oil Majors 2023

Presentation by Jason Hickel to the parliament in the Nederlands

2022: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability 
   Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Climate change will displace millions. Here's how we prepare: Colette Pichon Battle

Ten Years to Transform the Future of Humanity 
   TED talk by Johan Rockstrom

1.5 Degree Climate Target (one of a series) 
Dr. Adam Levey (Climate Adam) a youngish climate scientist

Scientist Rebellion April 2022

Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis

What 3° of Global Warming Looks Like (The Economist)

The People Getting Paid to Kill Our Planet (agriculture)

Carbon Cycle: Key to Understanding Climate
   (The Economist)

Coalition COP26 organized the People's Summit and
   Global Day of action alongside COP26 in Glasgow

Videos about Climate Change 

Funny Climate Video

What's Happening with the Climate?

The "Good" & "Bad" News
   excellent resource to stay in touch with climate news
   updated daily

Climate Science 2030--excellent, easy to read summary of the current situation

United Nations on Climate Change--excellent resources about climate change and solutions

Climate Justice (non-RC)

Hoodwinked in the Hothouse Climate False Solutions

Climate justice analysis of the outcome of COP28--collection of articles from the global climate justice community

Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice:
   strong platform for action

The Case for Climate Justice comic showcasing key issues
   from Global Justice Now

Against the Eco-Facist Creep excellent comic and narrative explaining eco-facism and the need for us to understand it and stand against it

Amanda Gorman Addresses the UN with poem
   September 2022

Indigenous Environmental Network

It Takes Roots

Climate Justice Alliance

United Frontline Table

People’s Climate Movement

Organizations with strong climate justice components:
   Black Lives Matter            Poor People's Campaign

Additional Resources Outside of RC

Climate Justice (RC)

RC's Work on Racism and Genocide

Sustaining All Life

RC Short Draft Program on Climate Change

Short, Easy Read with translations

Teaching about Climate Change in RC Classes

Class Outlines on climate change and care of the environment

Climate Moments short facts about current events from around the globe

A Climate Moment in Every Class article to aid the use of Climate Moments

RC Resources on the Climate Emergency, updated June 2023

Annotated Powerpoint Presentations

The Basics of Climate Change (updated January 2024)

Cartoons and Baby Animals for attention out PDF

RC Webinars on Climate Change

Videos of RC webinars

Key Thoughts and Resources referenced in How to Lead Great Groups on the Climate Emergency without Knowing Very Much-You Can Do It! .

Basic, Beyond the Basics, and More Advanced Resources

We have divided the next part of this page into resources for those who are new to the topic, those who want something a little more advanced, and those who want to look at detailed science issues and our draft program.  And additional resources by category (RC articles, video, website, wide world articles, and so on) are farther down on the page. See also: sections on Care of the Environment, Sustaining All Life, and Resources Outside the RC Community.

Introduction to Climate Change

60 Second Introduction video from the Royal Society and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Basics from the United Nations on Climate Change

An Introduction to Climate Change article by Diane Shisk

Average Temperature Rise globally from 1900 to 2021

Annotated Powerpoint: The Basics January 2023 PDF

Our Stories co-counselors talk about the effects of climate change they are seeing in their own communities

How We Got Started co-counselors stories of how they started taking action

Beyond the Basics

Climate Change, How Do We Know? This is from the NASA website, an excellent resource for basic and more detailed information that has many videos and graphics on different aspects of climate change.

Short draft program on Climate Change--easy to read, with translations.

Draft Policy on Care of the Environment—the RC Communities’ draft policy on care of the environment, including climate change.

June 25, 2019 Climate poverty of UN expert on effects of climate change on poverty details the devastating impacts on poor people and poor countries. 

Regular updates on "The Good News" and "The Bad News" of climate change.  So many hopeful things are happening.

The article “Why We Prioritize Addressing Climate Change,” by Diane Shisk and Tim Jackins (January 2023). This is a summary, updated every year or so, of the basic science of climate change, with citations for more resources and a summary of what we can do.

Resources: Advanced Information about Climate Change

A proposed Draft Program for the RC Communities on Climate Change (and 2 page summary) that includes an overall program and specific action steps. (We expect to update this frequently as more information becomes available about the steps we can and should take now. The program was drafted with a global perspective, but people from every country are encouraged to write an addendum about their specific circumstances, since the situation varies so much from country to country. Last revised 8/31/21.)

IPCC Sixth Assessment Report 2021

Global Warming of 1.5 °C, an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty. A summary of this report is here.

Calculate the impacts of climate change in your Region--a guide and tools to apply the science locally

Sixth Assessment Report 2022

Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: assessing the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.

RCers Addressing Climate Change

Sustaining All Life video & audio recordings

Five-Year Plans for Addressing the Climate
   updated regularly
   Add yours by emailing PDF to

Leaders Workshop Resource Document January 2023

Fast Fashion Video learn more at a:dress


Climate Emergency Experiences

Stories from Co-Counselors about the impact of climate change around us. Excerpts below, click on title for full version of their story. More stories found here.

Direct Production Worker Sydney

The fires are really full on (intense). 4000 people sitting on a beach down on border of Victoria is unheard of. So many fires they can't keep up with them.

South Dakota, USA by Marcie Rendon

The state of South Dakota is home to 9 Native American Reservations. The majority of these reservations have had floods covering their lands since the spring of 2019. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem referred to recent flooding as the greatest natural disaster the state has ever seen. Noem said federal disasters have been declared in 58 of 66 counties in the state and on three tribal reservations. The March bomb cyclone and heavy rains since have created a slow-rolling natural disaster.

Trinidad & Tobago by Chantal Esdelle

Yesterday (September 22, 2019) Tropical Storm Karen passed over Trinidad and Tobago. I was in Tobago. I sat with two friends inside our shared room looking out at the continuous heavy rain and wind outside and looking at videos, sent via WhatsApp, of raging flood water in areas 20 miles from us (in Tobago) rushing through houses and washing away cars.

Kenya by Janet Kabue

This was one of the headlines in our local newspapers today "Grim days await Kenyans as long rains fail". It was one of the newspaper articles that has  in the recent past  highlighted the delay of the March-April-May rain season.  This rainfall highly impacts on the agricultural sector and hence food security in the country. The Meteorological department today stated that  there will be no rains  this season.

Sustaining All Life (SAL) displayed the poster below and many others at our booths at COP27. They are available for download as a fundraiser for SAL.

Last modified: 2024-05-27 17:01:51+00