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Present Time No. 120 

(Vol. 32, No. 3) July 2000


To free human minds to be themselves seems to me the most satisfying activity one can do.  

Harvey Jackins

 Table of Contents

  1. From the Editor Present Time No. 120 (Vol. 32 No. 3)
  2. Appreciations

Counseling Practice

  1. From Early Workshops: Harvey Talking and Answering Questions About Basic RC Theory
  2. Giving Up an Addiction to "Trashy Novels"
  3. Physical Counseling
  4. Discharging My Allergies
  5. Men and "Rage"
  6. Big, Difficult, and Terrifying, But Still "Just Feelings"
  7. Safety for Men
  8. Tackling Family Relationships
  9. The Benefits of Working on the Gay Policy
  10. Come Join Me on the Prairie
  11. My Integrity as a Gay RCer
  12. Making Men's Liberation Top Priority
  13. The Personal Benefits
  14. Appreciating RC on Mother's Day
  15. Ending the Contagion of Distress
  16. Uncovering the Internalized Sexism in My Decision to Be a Parent
  17. The Life of My Dreams


  1. Our Choice Against Racism
  2. Challenging Racism: with Police, in Hospitals
  3. A Constant Reminder of My Role as a White Person
  4. Some Angles on Eliminating Racism
  5. Beacons to Each Other in Eliminating Racism
  6. Being an Ally to Elders
  7. A New Focus for My Life
  8. Working-Class Jews
  9. Parents' Liberation and Capitalism
  10. A Long-Standing Men's Support Group
  11. Learn from Women About Relationships
  12. Combatting Firefighter Fatalities
  13. The Challenges and Rewards of Being an Ally to Men
  14. Importance in a Young Adult Life
  15. Helping People Work on Whether or Not to Have Children
  16. Artists and the Importance of Discharge
  17. From "The Reclaming of Power"...
  18. The Challenges of Being in Our Thirties
  19. Disabled People's Liberation in RC
  20. Looking at Our Nations' Roles
  21. Stepping Outside of Both Ends of an Oppressor Pattern

Appreciating Harvey Jackins

  1. Marion Ouphouet
  2. Jo Anne Garrett
  3. Nuccia Foulkes
  4. Odette Ngo Etame
  5. Aishia Abdul Kareem
  6. Chuck Esser
  7. Diane Balser
  8. Wendy Prestney
  9. Serap Kanay
  10. Joe Fahey
  11. Polly Allen
  12. Dawn Graham
  13. Grace Gerry
  14. Samantha Sanderson
  15. Wytske Visser
  16. Anica Gavrilovic
  17. Dorothy Carroll
  18. Life Is Different These Days
  19. Harvey
  20. Harvey
  21. Harvey
  22. Harvey
  23. Harvey
  24. Harvey
  25. Harvey

Community Building

  1. How RC Began in Japan
  2. The Benign Reality
  3. Reaching for a Small Town
  4. Marked Tree, Arkansas
  5. Using Our Literature
  6. RC Introductories in India
  7. Things Are Different (a song)
  8. The First Palestinian Workshop for Healing the Hurts of Racism

Wide World Change

  1. From the editor
  2. Jews Listening to Palestinians
  3. Union Organizing
  4. The Need for a "Care Movement"
  5. Social Workers
  6. "They Might Start Thinking Again"
  7. Organizing a Passover Seder for My Office
  8. "Getting Involved" Successfully
  9. Sometimes (poem)
  10. Men's Liberation at the University
  11. Be patient
  12. Fighting for Diversity in a College of Education

From the Mail

  1. "New and Wonderful" in Bangalore, India
  2. An Israeli RCer in New Zealand
  3. Fundraising as a Way to Get Close to People
  4. Regaining Connection with Teens
  5. The Labeling and Mistreatment of Boys

Last modified: 2024-06-03 09:44:50+00