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Appreciating RC on Mother's Day

I'm proud of my mother. I'm pleased that she now takes herself and her thinking seriously. She is a model of flexibility, caring, love, strength, and persisting through many difficult circumstances.

My mother, Gladys Davis, has been in RC in Orange County, California, USA, for four years. She has attended a weekly class and weekend workshops, has assisted in a fundamentals class, leads the elders' support group (she's seventy-seven), and most recently had a second Intensive at Personal Counselors, in Seattle.

As we talked on the phone on Mother's Day, she told me, with great confidence in her voice, that she is going to teach a fundamentals class. She said, "I feel totally a part of RC now." I asked what had shifted for her, since she hadn't felt this way before. She answered:

"Discharging a lot, going for the Intensive, and having Sara Tozer and Keith Glassman (her RC teachers) so strongly behind me, offering me love and genuine caring. I'm in RC because of you. I know what wonderful things it's done for you and me. I love the people I've met in Co-Counseling. Getting so close to people of color has been good. I just love going to workshops now, and I can be close to people. I love being close."

She cried as she told me this. Then she added, "Maybe this will help people be in RC and know that things can change for them, too."

(My mom helped me write this.)

Caryn Davis
New York City, New York, USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00