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RC Introductories in India

I just led a three-hour RC introductory at Vikhroli. Five new people were introduced to RC, amidst three of us who are already in RC. I look forward to leading more such short introductories during the next two weeks, before I go ahead with an eight-week fundamentals class in Vikhroli.

From today's introductory, I realise that I need to have good sessions for myself, especially if I am to keep my attention consistently "out" for people new to RC. In this regard, I am happy that our monthly meeting at Mumbai is taking place tomorrow.

I am interacting frequently with my son and his friends, all around thirteen years of age. I am keen to formally introduce them to RC. I'll find a way soon.

Ram Iyer
Mumbai, India


Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00