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Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Present Time No. 94 

(Vol 26 No. 1) January 1994

May you live all the days of your life. 

Jonathan Swift

Table of Contents

  1. From the Editor
  2. Appreciations
  3. Feature


  1. Prospects For RC
  2. Competition -- An Inhuman Activity
  3. Some Thoughts About RCers Attending Wide-World Activities Led by Co-Counselors
  4. I Won!
  5. Learning in Practice How to Be a Shop Steward
  6. Concrete Gains For European Unity
  7. A Learning Experience for West Europeans
  8. Recovering a Relationship

World Conference

  1. Changes Made In The Guidelines by The 1993 World Conference
  2. Goals and Policies
  3. The Growth of RC -- Discussions from the 1993 World Conference
  4. Report From a Topic Group on Reclaiming Power

Counseling Practice

  1. Acting From a "Moment of Clarity"
  2. Time to Take Time
  3. An Insight So Simple
  4. Being Rational About "Ritual Abuse"
  5. Facing, and Eliminating, Old Feelings of Loss


  1. Eliminating "Segregation" Vigorously and Concretely
  2. Want to Know Us Well?
  3. All Women Are Beautiful
  4. Helping My Dad Discharge Oppressive Attitudes
  5. Absolutely Everything
  6. Suddenly Our Eyes Are Clear
  7. Beginning to Reclaim Our Bodies
  8. A Worldwide Educational Change Leaders' Meeting
  9. Mothers' Liberation
  10. No Job I'd Rather Be Doing
  11. Young People Thinking Hard and Communicating Well
  12. Brilliant and Inspiring "Mental Health" Liberation
  13. And Some Added Emphasis
  14. Fall Song
  15. It's Time to Defy "Mental Health" Oppression
  16. Be Proud and Share With Each Other
  17. Grapes and Liberation
  18. Listen Up, Everybody!
  19. Reality Is Right Now
  20. I Am Sure
  21. Two Excellences of Arab Culture
  22. The Drive from West Virginia
  23. Trying to Fight My Way Out of Middle-Class Confusion
  24. Re-emerging From "Visual" Conditioning

From the Mail

  1. An Excited and Delighted Priest
  2. From the Heart of Australia
  3. Report From the Field
  4. Following a Commitment to Success
  5. On Track and Moving
  6. Beginnings in Swaziland
  7. Echo From the Dublin Conference
  8. Using Leisure For Useful Research
  9. Pleased to be in Print
  10. Threading My Way Through Confusing Oppressions
  11. Re-evaluating Softball
  12. A Lot to Teach the Rest of Us
  13. Ready to be a Father
  14. A Page or Two in the Life of a Scientist
  15. A "Leap" in Understanding
  16. Teaching at Many Levels
  17. A Self Encounter
  18. Climb Through the Fear
  19. Solid Beginnings in Chile
  20. Balloon Farming
  21. Working-Class Art
  22. I've Learned a Lot
  23. De-Mystify the Theory -- And Use It!
  24. An Effective Commitment For Christchurch
  25. Supporting and Cherishing Each Other
  26. How Powerful Am I?
  27. The Details of Re-emergence

Information Coordinators

  1. Educational Administrators
  2. People of Gypsy Heritage
  3. Gynecological Teaching Associates
  4. Allies of Young People

Last modified: 2024-06-03 09:44:50+00