News flash


Climate Crisis
in Africa
Janet Kabue
Saturday, September 28

State of LGBTQ+ Liberation
"Jeanne D'arc" &
"David Nijinsky"
Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


On Track and Moving

I'm writing to you from the Young People's Conference in Pennsylvania. My son, Stephen, is here with three other young people who are in a class Corinne and I are teaching. The conference seems wonderful -- over eighty-five young leaders.

I'm doing lots of counseling. I have taught two fundamentals classes with African-American women and have just combined them. They're a strong group, and it's going very well. I'm happy with my Area; it's got a strong base and is growing. We have a new large fundamentals class as well as mine. I'm doing lots of family work and am leading groups for parents outside of counseling. All in all my life and my family feel on track.

Sharon Peters
Brooklyn, New York, USA

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00