News flash


Climate Crisis
in Africa
Janet Kabue
Saturday, September 28

State of LGBTQ+ Liberation
"Jeanne D'arc" &
"David Nijinsky"
Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Listen Up, Everybody!

Here are a few thoughts from young people I have been in contact with.

  • Young people aren't the future; we are the present.
  • Young people deserve unconditional, loving expectation.
  • It is crucial to the whole movement of RC to get young people involved.
  • Never underestimate young people's intelligence.
  • Young people are completely able to make their own decisions.
  • It is an insult to always expect young people to play games. Adults need to start playing games for themselves.
  • Young people of every age need to be leading young people and adults of all ages.
  • Good information is something young people need.
  • At least 22% of the population are young people. Your Communities need to be 22% young people. Young people need to be Area Reference Persons, Regional Reference Persons, and International Liberation Reference Persons.
  • Working-class young people need to be supported to full leadership, of all young people and all people.
  • Being an ally to young people might mean going to a young people's support group, not doing anything except counselling the leader if he or she gets stuck. It's not okay to "take charge" in any way.
  • Young people will flourish with allies who can counsel them well.
  • Younger young people need to be leaders of other young people and adults. (Younger young people under ten years of age)
  • All workshops need to have free places for young people. The bigger the workshop the more free places. This needs to be taken into account in the cost of the workshop. Giving a young person outreach is not likely to be enough.

Sam Herbert
Cholsey, England

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00