News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Present Time No. 171

(Vol. 45, No. 3) April 2013


Preserving the environment is connected to all the other challenges we face. It's just one of the many reasons for interrupting the damaging policies of governments and corporations.

Tim Jackins

Table of Contents

  1. Building Indigenous RC in Australia, Rie Shiraishi
  2. A Statement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Co-Counsellors
  3. An Introduction to a Pre-World Conference
  4. Family Work: Pioneering and Revolutionary, Emma Perrot
  5. Cleaning Out an Anesthesia Recording, Harvey Jackins3
  6. Seeing the Person and the Pattern at the Same Time, Harvey Jackins
  7. Mistakes Are Okay, S.J. Shashikala
  8. Setting Limits—A Session, Manitonquat (Medicine Story)
  9. Making Good Use of Tim’s Talks, Nancy Perini
  10. Take Charge of Your Mind, Harvey Jackins
  11. Reflections on an Early Sexual Memories Workshop
  12. Thoughts About Dyslexic People (Thoughts About Dyslexic People)
  13. “Today’s Thought”, Tim Jackins
  14. No Need to Accept Discouraged Thinking, Harvey Jackins
  15. Present Time Index Ad
  16. Discharging “Superman” Distress, Mike Markovits
  17. The Reward Is This Moment, Michael Newsom
  18. “Love Awaits Me at Every Turn”, Jane Gramlich
  19. Always Pleased, Never Satisfied, Jo Saunders
  20. “Mental Health” Labels, and Information Coordinators, Tim
  21. Children, and Violent Events
  22. Using Discharge to Heal from a Concussion, Goof Buijs
  23. Thinking My Way through Breast Cancer
  24. Challenging the Limits of Internalized Racism
  25. A Groundbreaking Workshop, Anonymous
  26. Fully Liberated within Our Own Cultures, Rachel Kieffer
  27. More Closeness in Our Cultures, Sharon Wolf
  28. Toward a Big Life, Anupama Singh Yadav
  29. I Am Home, Nazish Riaz
  30. Interrupting Racism in the Present, Patricia L. Mallory-Oduba
  31. I Am Truly Central, Amisha Patel
  32. We Get to Win
  33. Better as We Get Older, Harvey Jackins
  34. The Oppression of Regional or National Groups, International Commonality Reference Person for Wide World Change
  35. Moving Beyond the Iron Curtain, Violeta Vajda
  36. From an Israeli Jew of Eastern European Heritage, Tami Shamir
  37. Negative Feelings Come from Outside, Harvey Jackins
  38. “Literacy Privilege”, Louisa Flander
  39. Alcohol as a Liberation Issue, “David Nijinsky”
  40. White Working-Class Women and Anti-Jewish Oppression, Diane Balser
  41. A White Jewish Working-Class Woman, Ela ThierNew York, New York, USA
  42. White Catholic Working-Class Women, Joanne Bray
  43. Same Amount of Patterns, Harvey Jackins
  44. Redefining Grandmotherhood, Jerry Ann Yoder
  45. Ending Male Domination in Melbourne, Australia, Vicky Grosser
  46. NEW! Language Liberation on the RC Web Site
  47. The Roots of Unfounded Expectations, Bas Hurkmans
  48. “I Will Not Be Bribed Anymore”, Benjamin Altman
  49. Possible to Stay and Fight After All, “Nancy Drew”
  50. Nap Time, Sojourner Truth
  51. Ruah Hadashah No. 11, Marya Axner, Editor
  52. New DVD:Moving Toward Liberation
  53. The Liberation of the Middle Class
  54. Addressing difficulties in Leadership (Addressing difficulties in Leadership), Diane Shisk
  55. Cada persona es un líder (Everyones A Leader), Traducido de inglés por Ellen Tait
  56. Visibly Client and Co-Counselor, Harvey Jackins
  57. Important note
  58. A Leaders’ Class on the Guidelines, Bas Hurkmans
  59. Counseling Disabled People, Kath Silard
  60. Introducing RC in Northern Ghana, Gmabi Philip
  61. A Great Opportunity, Lorenzo Garcia
  62. Gordon’s Retirement, Tim Jackins
  63. Individual Leadership, Harvey Jackins
  64. Dancing!, Jennifer Berry
  65. Door Shut Quote, Rabindranath Tagore
  66. A New Kind of Communicator, Tim Jackins
  67. Intelligent People Can Make It Work, Harvey Jackins
  68. Care of the Environment in Northern Uganda
  69. Grand Show Quote, John Muir
  70. Sustaining All Life, —Tim Jackins
  71. Deciding to Be Counselor, Dawn Graham
  72. Moving Against Language Oppression, Emmy Rainwalker

Last modified: 2024-06-03 09:44:50+00