News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Making Good Use of Tim’s Talks

Dear Tim,1 I want to let you know how much I appreciate your talks on CD.2 I have used them to get ready for RC classes that I teach and have noticed that my theory talks are more grounded because of my being able to hear your thinking. I did a couple of classes to help folks understand how tangled up our distresses are and how painful it was early on that we couldn’t discharge. I wanted to talk about how distresses that get tangled up with instinctual drives are particularly confusing, so I did a class on sex. It was helpful for folks to hear that the distress recordings that tell us that our lives depend on sex have come in part from times when the human race was down to five thousand people. I talked about several other things you spoke about on the CD,3 particularly the confusions about connection and relationships, and how capitalism constantly manipulates our distresses related to sex. The people in my class have noticed that my talks have gotten clearer, more powerful, and more meaningful to them, and this one was even more so. I could go on about how helpful your talks on CD are for my teaching, but I really want you to know how helpful they are to me personally:For a couple of years now I have used your CDs to help me clean my kitchen. I feel overwhelmed and discouraged and like I can’t get the job done. Then I remember to put on one of your CDs, and by the time the talk is over, the kitchen is clean and I have a new perspective. I use them to help me get out of many such jams. They’re like a private class, and they interrupt discouragement. Sometimes I invite my husband to this private class. Thank you so much.

Nancy Perini

Albany, New York, USA

(Present Time 171, April 2013)


Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00