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Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Sustaining All Life

The RC Journal about Careof the Environment

$4.00 (U.S.), plus postage and handling

A small sample of the articles:

  • Relaxed Leading, Jan VenderbosMe, Sparrows, and Saving the Planet (poem), Micheline MasonQuestioning Patterns that Lead to Overuse, Marcie RendonDischarging Entitlement Patterns, Susan KammerzellMaking a Decision About Global Warming, Madeleine ParaA Household Conservation Project, Glen HauerSome Angles on Discharging on the Environment, Shashi RamanOn Class Societies, Racism, and Ending All Oppressions, Wytske VisserSexism and Care of the Environment, Beth CruiseA Young Person Talks about the Environment, Mari Piggott

“The first issue of Sustaining All Life, our journal about caring for the environment, is now available. Please consider getting a copy (or many). We have many things to do in this field and much discouragement and isolation to overcome. This journal will help us do that.”

“I have asked people what difference it made having that connection (with nature) in their lives, and they have told me it saved their lives. Nature doesn’t judge us; it recharges us. Try this direction: ‘The earth is alive and wants us.’ This is a powerful contradiction to isolation.”

—Tim Jackins

(Present Time 171, April 2013)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00