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Allies to Immigrants:
It's My Liberation Too!
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Cheng Imm Tan

The Joy of Reading
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Marilyn Robb


January 2025
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CHAPTER XXIII:  Looking Ahead

To date several hundred people have learned to use Re-evaluation Counseling with consistency. These people tend to think of themselves as inhabitants of a "rational island" of humans which they are helping to pull up out of the sea of irrationality in which people and civilization are struggling.

Most of these "counseling people" live in and near Seattle, but there are a few on each continent and in many states. They apply Re-evaluation Counseling in their personal and family relationships, deal skillfully with their associates at work and exchange assistance with each other as they need it.

The existence of this group has great meaning for the future. The spreading use of their relationship can eventually cleanse the human community of petty antagonisms and misunderstandings which are today such a burden to the lives of everyone.

The gradual improvement in the lives of each generation of children can be accelerated into great strides forward in each generation. Thoughtful acceptance of and participation in the rational use of our wonderful planet for the benefit of all can become part of every human's life. The great irrational threats to human existence of war, prejudice, overcrowding and starvation can become relegated to the role of historical curiosities, much as we think of cannibalism and human sacrifice today.

We have seen clearly what human beings are intended to be like. We have seen a significant number of humans emerge decisively into this kind of living and behavior. The aware, effective goodness of the real human being will inspire any person who has once glimpsed it to take the workable path of discharge and re-evaluation on the way to a bright future for the individual and the race.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00