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CHAPTER XXII:  Learning to Use the Theory

As is surely plain to the reader by now, Re-evaluation Counseling is a relationship that can be used by any person, both as client and as counselor. A very deeply distressed person will need help as a client for some time to begin with, but, given such help, can then learn to be an effective counselor also.

Two people can "take turns," A being counselor to B at one session, but later taking a turn as client while B is counselor. Such "Co-Counseling," as we have called it, requires awareness and persistence and willingness to apply counseling to difficulties as they arise. It can be very effective and become increasingly so. The interchangeable relationship is itself very rewarding and illuminating.

To learn to counsel or to Co-Counsel requires an opportunity to learn. The opportunity to date has been largely in the Fundamentals of Co-Counseling Classes which we have conducted. There have been several score of these classes--on a one-session-a-week basis.

In these classes, lectures on theory alternate with demonstrations on counseling, with a willing student serving as demonstration client. Students pair off for Co-Counseling outside of class, report on and discuss their Co-Counseling in class. Almost all of the successful counselors, who constitute the "rational island" Community today, began in these classes.

But not all. Counselors isolated by geography from the Seattle groups have in increasing numbers trained their own Co-Counselors in the communities to which they have moved, have enlarged their circles, and established Co-Counseling groups.

To date, success as a counselor has proceeded from success at being counseled in almost every case. Not surprisingly, the experiencing of the discharge and re-evaluation process and its results is the factor that illuminates one's allowing and encouraging it to take place in another person.

There is a great deal to learn in becoming an effective counselor, but people are eager, willing, and able to learn rapidly, also. Being counseled, observing counseling in demonstrations, practice as a counselor, discussion, and persistent encouragement and reassurance from an experienced counselor have seemed to be decisive factors in effective learning. 

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00