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January 2025
Present Time
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A New Pamphlet!
Anti-Blackness: Strategies for Understanding, 

Disrupting, Discharging, and Healing

In this pamphlet, Barbara Love describes the many manifestations of anti-blackness and how it is installed on us by means of, for example, the English language, Christianity, and the media. 

She stresses how we can learn to identify, interrupt, and heal from it and shares directions for that healing.

The challenges facing humanity demand collective action. Barbara states that “creating the broad coalitions of people necessary to solve problems such as the climate crisis requires healing from and transforming anti-blackness. This healing and transformation is in the best interest of all humankind.”

Be sure to get your copy!

$3.00 plus postage and handling
To order, go to

(Present Time 216, July 2024)

Last modified: 2024-10-23 19:34:05+00