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January 2025
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Teachers Need Allies

The world situation continues to change daily. It is hard to make rational decisions about our lives and what we can and cannot do. This is especially true for our educators. To open or not to open schools? To turn to blended, online, or remote learning? To experiment with teaching face to face?

Teachers need to discharge about what it will look like if everything is online. What are teachers’ key responsibilities? How do they maintain connections with students? How do they continue to provide emotional support for students and each other?

Now is the time for classroom teachers around the world to form deep connections, to not be isolated, to not have to manage feelings of hopelessness, despair, overwork, and being oppressed on their own [by themselves]. Now, more than ever, teachers need allies.

I’m setting up a network for teacher support. It is important that classroom teachers and their allies join forces and stand strong in this time.

Marilyn Robb

International Commonality Reference
Person for Educational Change

St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders 
of educational change

(Present Time 201, October 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00