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January 2025
Present Time
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The RC Community Doesn’t Create Itself

More than three hundred Black people from all over the world converged for the Black Liberation and Community Development Workshop (BLCD) via Zoom. It was my first time attending BLCD, and it was a memorable and mind-blowing [amazing] event. 

In talking about the RC Community, Barbara Love asked, “How do we put our vision out in the world so that the universe can organize itself in our direction?” She reminded us that we are at the workshop because someone shared information about RC with us. Someone gave us the theory and the practice. Somebody gave us their loving attention. Somebody who cared about us, who cared about the world, wanted to make sure that we had RC. 

She said that the RC Community doesn’t create itself; it doesn’t come into existence on its own [without assistance]. Those of us who know RC theory can use it and make it available to others, thereby building our Communities. RC leaders can lead by example. Being a leader need not be a weight on our shoulders. It can be enjoyable.

I did lots of discharging and am more liberated. I appreciate the organizing team, the tech team, and the International RC Community. 

Maryjane Ugwu

Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Reprinted from the RC e-mail
discussion list for leaders of women

(Present Time 201, October 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00