News flash


Relationships with
Health Care Workers
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Anne Greenwald


Price Increase for Present Time

Dear RCers,

The costs for producing RC publications continue to rise. The RC Communities have always subsidized these publications, but the costs have become more than we can handle without increasing what we ask from you.

Thus, the price of Present Time is now $5 per issue ($7.50 outside the United States), and the new subscriptions rates are based on that.

Present Time is an important means of sharing RC theory, practice, information, and perspective, and it takes a great deal of thought, and especially work, to produce it. We will continue to subsidize its production, so it is more easily available, but we do need you to help a little more.

Many of us prize Present Time highly; it is a great benefit to our lives. I hope you are already one of us. If not, please consider this an invitation to join us. (To order a subscription, contact Rational Island Publishers.)

The price increase will not affect existing subscriptions—only new ones received from this date forward.

Many thanks.

With love and appreciation,
Tim Jackins

NEW PRICES (a 25% increase):

Single issue
USA                                      $5
Outside USA                         $7.50

One-year subscription
USA                                       $20
Washington State, USA         $22
Outside USA                          $30

Two-year subscription
USA                                       $40
Washington State, USA         $44
Outside USA                          $60

Five-year subscription
USA                                       $105
Washington State, USA         $115
Outside USA                          $155

(Subscriptions include postage.)


(Present Time 184, July 2016)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00