News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Both Sides of the Border

It's quite late at night. The boomings on both sides of the Israeli-Lebanese border continue. One night I took a sleeping pill because I was sick from exhaustion. Planes and helicopters are overhead. I shudder at the upcoming Remembrance Day to honor our soldiers who went to war without question and gave their lives to defend their country. It is an even harder day for me because I am also feeling the pain of the countless families that have lost loved ones on the Lebanese side of the border. Violence begets violence begets violence.

But as I stare down whatever fear there may be, and whatever pain I may feel, I still remember never again to become a victim of either.

Life is still good, and people can still show their goodness in spite of all the mistakes being made and the distresses being rehearsed around us.

With a determination to work for peace,

Monique Kesos
Maalot, Israel

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00