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January 2025
Present Time
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Hello Dear Raised Poor People Around the World,

I am feeling so much love for us this morning. Those of us who fought for and/or hoped for Kamala Harris to be the next president of the USA are likely to be feeling terrible this morning as we try to process the news that Trump won this most important election. I am for sure. I will try to share some of the thoughts I am trying to hold onto this morning.

1) I need to gather my support and as Barbara Love says, “discharge, discharge, discharge.”

2) I need to get moving. Do something. Anything. Clean the house, wash the clothes, take a shower, exercise, walk. Most of all take at least one step toward human liberation. As Harvey Jackins would say, “Face North, no matter how much you feel pulled to give up”

3) Resist the pull to isolate myself. Go be with people, call people. Write to my RP people.

4) Keep choosing to remember this reality:

  • All that has been gained regarding liberation has not been lost. Rights may be taken away from oppressed groups again, but the memory of having those rights will not be forgotten. People will “not go back”. We humans can be hurt and lied to and get confused about what is the best way forward but, ultimately, we are “never going back.”
  • There are lessons we can learn from this presidential outcome, lessons that will help us think better (if we keep discharging) about the distribution of wealth in the USA and worldwide…lessons that can help us reach out to people who are scared and angry from living in a world that told them they were “less than” or even “better than” from the time they were young, took away their ability to discharge, and ability to think flexibly and offered them, instead of respect, equality and justice, opportunities to blame others and act out dominance or inferiority patterns. We all wanted to hold onto our human goodness and still want to be in touch with it.
  • We all are needed! Now is the time to step over our sense of
    insignificance and hold out hope for ourselves and others, set goals, and act.
  • We understand something about greed. Time to be the leaders toward discharging it and start helping others do the same. Time to work together, reach for unity, and help others see that there are no human enemies, and that a world that works for all is possible. Time to increase our efforts to eliminate racism, and all oppressions!
  • This is a battle lost, but if we fight, we win…ultimately. We know so much about healing, in a world that needs to heal.
  • We can do this. I can do this. I can still have fun.

That is all I can think of to say this morning. Wow! So much to do. So many people to love and move closer to. Let’s take time to take good care of ourselves and “pull up our socks and go!”

Much love to you all!

Gwen Brown

Last modified: 2024-11-09 00:45:20+00