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Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!


H.13. Assisting the Re-Evaluation Foundation's Outreach Efforts

Familiarity with the Foundation

We expect Reference Persons to familiarize themselves with the Re-evaluation Foundation and to help the Foundation identify possible projects to support. The Foundation’s tax-exempt purposes and functions can be viewed on the Foundation’s website: Completed grant applications should be submitted to the Re-evaluation Foundation.

The Role of Co-Counselors

We encourage individual Co-Counselors to solicit contributions to the Foundation from people and institutions outside the RC Community.


RC fundraising happens primarily on a one-to-one basis with people we already know well. We can share basic information about RC with potential donors. No Co-Counselor should be asked to donate funds for RC Community projects. Local fundraising activities should be planned in cooperation and consultation with the RRP.

We can create materials—such as posters, pictures, and t-shirts—to help us remember and communicate our understanding about world change and about moving against oppressions. These materials can be sold at RC events, with the permission of the IRP. The money raised can support our work to share RC inside and outside the RC Community.

Online Fundraising

Online fundraising cannot replace direct person-to-person fundraising. However, it can support it and can make donating easier. We can use the RC websites to describe our projects and raise money for them. Both the IRP and the Re-evaluation Foundation must give permission for online fundraising campaigns.

Donations to the Foundation and to Outreach Funds

We encourage all Co-Counselors and others who want to support our work to voluntarily donate to the Re-evaluation Foundation or to local Outreach (Area Outreach Funds) or International Outreach (Community Service Funds). (See Guideline H.8. Maintaining Outreach Funds.) ILRPs, ICRPs, and RRPs can recommend to the Re-evaluation Foundation possible recipients of funds, within the educational purposes of the Foundation.


Reference Persons can often easily identify excellent grantees and projects that will help achieve the goals of the Re-evaluation Foundation.

Co-Counselors are welcome to make donations to the RC Community. Any of us can do this directly by contributing to the Re-evaluation Foundation, to Area Outreach Funds, or to the Community Service Fund (used to support RC internationally). However, we need to focus on asking people not yet in RC to donate money to support our work.

One-to-one communication gives people the best understanding of RC and the reasons to financially support our activities. Showing that we care about the person and giving them accurate information about RC should be the only basis on which we ask for donations. Anyone we request funds from should be viewed as a potential member of the RC Community.

The messages on items such as t-shirts and posters have provided many of us with contradictions to our distresses. Income from selling these items helps give more people access to RC theory and practice.

Online fundraising is familiar to many people and is an easy way to contribute. It helps us reach more people with our campaigns. However, it is never a replacement for in-person communication about a project. 

Requesting donations from Co-Counselors can disrupt the safe environment of the RC Community. We must not allow any undischarged patterns about needs and money to interfere with the safety and trust we build in Co-Counseling relationships.

We encourage all Co-Counselors to help raise money for the RC Community. It is a re-emergent activity. Effective fundraising requires decision, discharge, thinking, action, and the reclaiming of power. We raise more money when we believe our work is important and warmly invite people we care about to join us in supporting it.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:47+00