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Draft Program for the
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H.8. Maintaining Outreach Funds
(See H.8.A. for Online Events)

 Area Outreach Fund and Class, Support Group, Half-day Playday, and Area Gather-in Payments

The Area Outreach Fund, held at RCCR, holds 70% of payments sent from classes, half-day playdays, support groups, and Area gather-ins (see Guideline H.3. Regional and Area Classes, Support Groups, and Playdays, and Area Gather-ins) for that local Community’s outreach purposes. If the local Community is outside of the United States, it may keep its Outreach Funds locally, with the agreement of the IRP. (See Guideline H.7. Outreach Finances: Communities Outside the United States.)

Area Outreach Fund and Area Workshop and Daylong Playday Payments

The Area Outreach Fund, held at RCCR, also keeps 52.5%[118] of the extra income over expenses from Area and class workshops and daylong playdays for that local Community’s outreach (see Guideline H.4. Class and Area Workshops and Daylong Playdays). If the local Community is outside of the United States, it may keep its Outreach Funds locally, with the agreement of the IRP. (See Guideline H.7. Outreach Finances: Communities Outside the United States.)  

Community Service Fund and Area Workshop Payments

The Community Service Fund receives 22.5%[119] of the excess income (after all expenses are deducted) from Area and class workshops (see Guideline H.4. Class and Area Workshops and Daylong Playdays).

Sharing of Area Outreach Funds

If an Area generates significantly more Outreach Funds than it uses, the ARP may decide to donate some of the funds to the Community Service Fund or to another Area’s Outreach Fund.

Donations to Outreach Funds

Co-Counselors are welcome to voluntarily donate to the Outreach Funds (Area Outreach Funds or Community Service Fund) of the RC Community.[120] Co-Counselors who would like to financially assist other Community members to attend workshops should first consult with their Regional Reference Person (RRP). Such donations must be made anonymously, through the RRP.[121]

Taxes to Be Paid

For legal reasons, RCCR must handle Outreach Funds as income and expenses of RCCR. RCCR must and does pay U.S. federal income tax on any income in Outreach accounts that exceeds the expenses, for any year. RCCR is authorized to deduct these tax payments from the Area Outreach Fund accounts.


Without Outreach Funds, there are many groups of people to whom we would not be able to teach RC. To maintain the integrity of RC, it is important that we raise our own funds for Outreach, rather than depend on conditions set by outside funding sources. (See Guideline H.13. Assisting the Re-evaluation Foundation’s Outreach Efforts.)

Some Areas have accumulated large amounts of Outreach Funds that they don’t regularly use. These Areas are encouraged to use some of their funds to support other Areas or International Outreach.


[118] This 52.5% represents 70% of the 75% of income after expenses.

[119] This 22.5% represents 30% of the 75% of income after expenses.

[120] There is no personal tax benefit, except for donations by U.S. taxpayers to the Re-evaluation Foundation (see Guideline H.13. Assisting the Re-evaluation Foundation’s Outreach Efforts). The entire amount of a donation is deposited in the Outreach Fund.  

[121] The RRP will then provide the donated funds to the workshop organizer. The organizer and workshop attendees will not know who donated the funds.

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:59+00