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Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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M.2. Co-Counselors in Organizations Outside of the RC Community

Co-Counselors in non-RC organizations may not recruit Co-Counselors into, or hire Co-Counselors to work in, their organizations unless the people involved had a previously established non-RC relationship. Co-Counselors are instead urged to start their own organizations and recruit contacts from outside RC. Co-Counselors teaching Co-Counseling through United to End Racism (UER) or other projects of the RC Community (see Note V. Projects Aimed Outside the RC Community [print version page 101]) should think of themselves in this work as RC leaders. The people they teach in these projects are prospective Co-Counselors, and the no-socializing policy applies to them. If Co-Counselors want to use the tools of RC in a non-RC organization, they can offer to teach them to interested people in that organization.[147]

Co-Counselors who are considering projects or activities that may conflict with this Guideline must consult with their RRP, who will then consult with the International Reference Person (IRP).

Sometimes Co-Counselors who did not have a previously established non-RC relationship become members of the same organization (or work for the same employer or go to the same school). But neither person is part of that organization because of the other person. In this case, both people need to discharge in sessions on any distresses that affect their relationship, either in the organization or in RC. They may consult about these relationships with the Area Reference Person (ARP) (or RRP if there is no ARP) and relevant International Liberation Reference Person (ILRP) if the organization is constituency-based.


If Co-Counselors recruit another Co-Counselor into, or hire them to work in, a non-RC organization, they add a non-RC relationship to a previously established RC relationship. It may feel more comfortable to recruit or hire a Co-Counselor, but it confuses the relationship and may result in confusion and extra work for the RC Community as described in Guideline M.1. The No-Socializing Policy.

As we grow as a Community, more Co-Counselors become members of the same organizations or work for the same employer. Having sessions and discharging about their relationships is important. It helps keep the RC and non-RC relationships distinct and free of confusions coming from early hurts. The RC relationship should remain the primary relationship.

RC Community projects, such as United to End Racism (UER), are organized to make the theory and practice of RC available to specific groups of people. The issues that arise in relationships made through these projects are the same as those that arise between Co-Counselors. The no-socializing policy should be applied to these relationships as well.


[147] They need the permission of the International Reference Person if they call it RC. (See Guideline B.3. Use of the Terms “Re-evaluation Counseling” and “RC.”

Last modified: 2024-02-21 21:51:05+00