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Draft Program for the
Transformation of Society
Introduction Page
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Present Time
January 2025
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B.3. Use of the Terms "Re-evaluation Counseling" and "RC"

The terms “Re-evaluation Counseling” and “RC” are trademarks. Anyone teaching organized groups outside the RC Community must obtain explicit written permission from the International Reference Person in order to represent what they are teaching as RC or Re-evaluation Counseling. Permission to bring people who are not part of the RC Community to RC workshops must be approved by the workshop leader, the ARP, and the RRP.

The trademarks “United to End Racism (UER),” “No Limits for Women (No Limits),” “Sustaining All Life (SAL),” and “Jews and Allies United to End Antisemitism”[28] may only be used in accordance with Guideline I.2. Activities Outside the RC Community.


People are encouraged and supported to use the ideas they acquire in RC. They can acknowledge where the ideas came from when appropriate. When activities are called “RC” and “Re-evaluation Counseling” they must fully represent our theory and practice. 

People who learn RC outside of an RC Community setting and who are invited to attend Area, Regional, and International workshops need to have an understanding of RC theory and practice, including the Guidelines, in order to participate as peer Co-Counselors in those settings.


[28] Antisemitism refers to the specific oppression directed against the Jewish people. Although Arabs and other groups are also Semitic peoples, the term antisemitism has always been used specifically to refer to the oppression of Jewish people.

Last modified: 2023-04-15 09:24:12+00