News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Guidelines For The Use Of Web Sites For Members Of The Re-Evaluation Counseling Communities

This document supplements and interprets the "Guidelines for the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities" in the practice of using web sites as a means of communication between Community members and to the general public.

If variation or divergence from these Guidelines seems to become necessary in a particular practical situation, permission for such temporary divergence must be obtained from the International Reference Person.

Proposals Specific To The Use Of Web Sites:

(W1) Proposal: The Creation of RC Web Sites

That a central and official RC web site be created and maintained to support the International RC Community by:

  1. Making available articles about RC theory and practice.
  2. Aiding RC leadership in the operation of the Communities by providing software tools for the management and reporting of information and resources.
  3. Promoting sales of RC literature and other items from Rational Island Publishers.
  4. Helping to establish RC in remote regions by providing information and guidance to people otherwise isolated from the Community.


The World Wide Web has become an important communications medium, accessed by millions of people around the world. The relatively low cost of publication in this medium makes it very useful for the communication of RC theory and practice.

As more and more RC leaders gain access to computing technology and the Internet, tools distributed from the central RC web site can greatly aid in the day to day operations of the International RC Community.

(W2) Proposal: The Creation of RC Web Sites

That web sites for organized Areas and Regions (local web sites) may be created and maintained to support the organization by making available web pages with information about workshops and other activities of interest to local Community Members.

That local web sites not be used to publish articles

Local web sites shall not replace the active distribution of information to Community Members via email or flyers.


Well maintained contact and schedule information on a local web site can be of great use for the Community members in the Area/Region.

The RC Community maintains very high standards for what gets published in the name of RC. Using already established means of publication of articles will ensure that these standards are maintained.

Web sites are passive, requiring the target audience to view the site to get the information. Information sent to by email, phone or the postal service is more likely to reach the intended audience in time for the scheduled events.

(W3) Proposal: Access to RC Web Sites

That access to the central RC web site be publicly accessible.

That access to local RC web sites be controlled by passwords that are given out to the Community members served by the sites.


The email and other contact information likely to be included in a local web site should not be made publicly available by having local web sites listed on public search engines or portals.

(W4) Proposal: Maintenance Of The RC Web Sites

That RC web sites be maintained by volunteers (web site administrators) who are approved by the Regional Reference Person for the Internet. That persons maintaining Area web sites also be approved by the Area Reference Person for the Area.

That persons taking such responsibilities not be paid for their role, but consider such work to be a contribution towards the growth and development of the Community.

That the administrator of the central web site may be reimbursed from the Community Service Fund of Re-evaluation Counseling Community Resources Inc. for incidental costs incurred in the performance of their duties when the request is recommended by the Regional Reference Person for the Internet and approved by the International Reference Person.

That administrators of local web sites likewise may be reimbursed from the Area maintenance funds for similar expenses if their request is approved by the Area Rreference Person.


While many maintenance tasks can be done automatically, a web site still requires routine clerical tasks to be performed for smooth running. Such tasks include handling certain error messages, maintaining the computers that host the web site, updating the files that are published at the web site (especially schedules and contact information)

The present financial conditions of our Communities make it unrealistic to suggest payment for the work done by web site administrators. However, expenses incurred in carrying out these responsibilities may be paid by the Community when possible and reasonable.

(W5) Proposal: The Hosting of RC Web Sites

That all RC web sites be hosted under the domain, i.e. on the computers maintained by the International RC Communities.


The computers of the International RC Communities are set up to serve this purpose. This allows local web sites to be maintained without additional cost to the local communities. Further, it allows easy maintenance of access controls such as passwords for the local sites.

(W6) Proposal: Use Of Quotations From Non-RC Literature

That quotations from non-RC literature not be posted on RC web sites. In particular, RC web sites should not contain ads for non-RC products and services.


The purpose of RC web sites are best served by publishing information written by, for and about RCers and RC. Non-RC publications are likely to contain material in contradiction to RC theory and practice.

Certain Policies Of The International Re-Evaluation Counseling Communities Which Publishers and Viewers Of The RC Web Sites Should Be Aware Of

Policy On Protection Of Community Members

(See "Side by Side," Issue #2, page 3, copyright by Rational Island Publishers.)

In all publications or writing forms sponsored or produced by Re-evaluation Counseling, any writers identifying themselves as Lesbian or Gay must do so with pseudonyms rather than their given names.


Any RC publication, web site or Internet discussion group is covered by this policy.


The Internet Regional Reference Person is: Allan Hansen at
The International Reference Person is: Tim Jackins at

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00