RC Webinar
The Value of RC Literature
The Joy of Reading
led by Marilyn Robb
International Liberation Reference Person
for Educational Change
Saturday, February 22:
12 - 2pm or 7 - 9pm EST/New York
Reading widens and deepens our knowledge and understanding of the world. Through the written works of so many others we are exposed to the thinking, insights, and perspectives that we would not be able to explore if we do not expose ourselves to the literature. RC literature provides such valuable information on everything about RC from the founding and developing of the theory. Harvey’s writings are a gift to us of his brilliant thinking through the years that he dedicated his life to building the RC communities.
The literature includes books, pamphlets, and journals written by many leaders and committed co-counsellors. RC literature guides us through our own re-emergence and building our co-counselling skills to help others.
This is an opportunity to reclaim our joy of reading and to appreciate the abundance of RC literature (including the earlier works by Harvey Jackins) that supports our understanding of RC theory and practice.
Fee: $0 - $50 USD
We understand that oppression makes access to money unequal. Pay what you can. Your fee will help the work that RCCR does to support our international community.
Payment methods:
Checks: Payable to Dan Corley, 31 Westmore Street, Providence, Rhode Island, 02910 USA
Venmo: @Daniel-Corley-16
PayPal: dcorley@communityprep.org
You can help by telling other co-counselors that you are attending this webinar and encourage them to register.
Organizer: Kwynn Loregnard
Tech Lead: Eileen Nemzer
Recording: This event may be recorded on Zoom by the organizer or by someone who is unauthorized. Organizers are asked to announce whether they will record the webinar. If you wish to be considered to be in a panel or demonstration that is recorded, you must read and agree to this statement. I have been advised:
- That this RC event may be recorded on Zoom,
- That I am not required to appear or speak in the meeting,
- That I have the option of turning off my camera and only using my first name or alias on the screen so that my image and full name will not appear on any video,
- That if a recording is made by the organizers, it may be distributed within the RC Community or posted to one of the RC websites,
- That if I choose to participate in an identifiable way by speaking during the webinar, using my full name, or being part of a demonstration or panel, that I authorize the use of any recording as described in #4,
- I understand that it is possible that a video (as with anything appearing on the internet) could be used for purposes not authorized by or under the control of the RC Community.