News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Support for the Japanese RC Community


A devastating earthquake occurred near Japan on March 11, causing much damage. A large tsunami did even more damage and rendered six nuclear reactors dangerously out of control. We have been working to support the RCers in Japan ever since. I sent the following message to all Japanese RCers.









Dear Japanese RCers,

Please accept our condolences for the catastrophes you are having to deal with, and know that you have our full support. A number of RC leaders outside of Japan are trying to get into communication with your Regional Reference People, Area Reference People, and other leaders (we are in communication with some of them already). We would like to urge you to stay in contact with them, too.

The failure of the nuclear plants is a cause of great concern. It is difficult to know how dangerous they will become, and it is clear that the situation with the plants is not under control at this point. Because the consequences could be so dangerous, I would like to suggest that everyone counsel on and consider evacuating themselves as far away from the plants as is possible in the immediate future and not wait for official evacuation notices, at least until there is clear information about how much control people will be able to have over the damaged nuclear plants.

If you evacuate, evacuate to friends or family or, if necessary, to other RCers, if they are willing.

Some RC Communities in Japan are far enough away from the damaged plants to not be in immediate danger, while some are dangerously close. Those nearest to the damaged plants are of course of most concern, and people must consider their own location in making their decisions.

We will continue to find out everything we can about the developing situation with the nuclear plants and urge you to do the same.

Tim Jackins



Diane Shisk will lead several RC leaders who will be traveling to Japan on March 29 to lead four workshops (one- and two-day) for members of the Japanese RC Communities in various sites in Japan.

Tim Jackins

International Reference Person


Last modified: 2019-05-02 14:41:35+00