News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

FREE Climate Stickers

U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Sample Outlines for SAL Presentations

Tools for Organizers and Activists (presentation for a Jewish Community Organization by Marya Axner)

Pakikinigang Magkapwa: Sharing Our Stories to Build and Unite Toward Climate Resiliency and Justice  (presentation for Filipino activists and allies by Teresa Enrico, Cecilia Lim and Ana Liza Caballes)

Young People at the Forefront of the Climate Change Movement (presentation for young activists and allies by Adam Crellin-Sazama,  Jean Charles and others)

Racism and Climate Change (presentation for People of the Global Majority and allies by Eunice Torres and others)

Parents Fighting the Climate Emergency (presentation for parents and allies by Marya Axner and others)

Sustaining Ourselves as Activists & Organizers (presentation for activists and organizers by Cecilia Lim and others)

The Role of the US in Climate Change (presentation for USers and non-USers by Diane Shisk and others)

Women, Climate Emergency and the Economy (presentation for women and allies by Azadeh Khalili and others)

Labor and the Climate Emergency (presentation for labor leaders and allies by Joanie Parker and others)

Building United, Resilient Movements to End the Climate Emergency (presentation for activists, organizers and allies by Ana Liza Cabelles and others)

Racism and Climate Change (presentation for People of the Global Majority and allies by Barbara Love and others)

Expressing Climate Grief (presentation for everyone by Barbara Love and others)

Jews & Climate Justice: Building a United Front (presentation for Jews and non-Jews by Billy Yalowitz and others)

Women and Climate Change (presentation for women and allies by Azadeh Khalili and others)

Last modified: 2022-05-19 17:01:28+00