News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

FREE Climate Stickers

U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Building United, Resilient Movements to End the Climate Emergency

Ana Liza Caballes







Gather Team, Minis, Overview of Set-up Plan


Set-up & Street Outreach w/ Signs & Flyers


Welcome & Sign-in


As everyone is coming in, engage everyone in the “The Tide Is Rising” movement(s) participatory art activity.

  • Pink wave:
    • Your name
    • Movement that you’ve been a part of or would like to be a part of
    • Year/period of time of that movement
  • Purple wave:
    • Your name
    • Movement that your people have been a part of
    • Year/period of time of that movement


Projector 1: Climate Justice movements around the world slideshow on loop

Projector 2: Climate Justice songs + lyrics


Live music


Introduction (Projector 1: start presentation slide show)

  • Opening chant/song

I have not come here alone

Carry my people in bones
I have not come here alone

If you listen you can hear it in my song

  • Introduce workshop; goals of workshop; invite/thank everyone for participating in the “The Tide Is Rising And So Are We” movement building art activity
  • Land and indigenous people acknowledgement:
    • New York City has the largest number of American Indians and Alaskan Natives of any location within the United States. There are 112,000 Native Americans out of a total population of 8,175,000 New Yorkers.
    • Native people have a long history of living respectfully in balance with the natural world. They are the original protectors of Mother Earth. They have led the way with powerful action on behalf of the environment and efforts to sustain all life.
    • We acknowledge the Lenape, the original people of the land on which we meet. About 20,000 Lenape lived on the island of Manhattan for over 12,000 years living on about 80 seasonal sites. The Lenape were a loosely connected set of communities with similar cultures and languages, spread out across what is now Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley. Most Lenape were removed to what is now Oklahoma. We honor and respect them.
    • This land was then colonized by the Dutch in the 1600s
  • Talk briefly about language liberation and why we will be having 1 minute of silence every 20 or so minutes. Spanish interpretation available.
  • Brief description of RC and a description of RC’s work on the environment and racism.
  • Describe the work of Sustaining All Life and United to End Racism.
  • Ask members of the organizing team to raise hands or stand to identify them as helpers in the workshop.
  • Tatlong Bagsak Unity Clap


SAL-UER Tools & Building Our Movement(s) in the Moment

  • Introduce listening exchange and speed friending activity
    • What we know about listening
    • Why listen? Why share?
    • Guidelines for listening:
      • Pleased and delighted
      • Withhold judgement, complete respect
      • Confidential listening, ask for permission to share
  • Set-up listening rounds / concentric circles listening
    • All who are able, stand into two concentric circles
    • Everyone should have a pair, facing each other
    • During each round, everyone will have the same amount of 1 minute to listen and 1 minute to share your thoughts
    • Facilitator will call out a question during each round and call out the time to switch roles, then switch partners
  • Exchange 1:
    • “What movement(s) have you or your people been a part of that has had a positive impact on our planet?”
  • Exchange 2:
    • “What has gotten in your way or your people’s way in building united, resilient movements?”
  • Exchange 3:
    • “What is your biggest hope for our movement(s) to end the climate emergency?”


NOTE: Facilitator for the next section on movement building should not participate in this activity and instead review the “movement participatory art” so that some of the experiences of who is in the room / what movement experiences are present can be captured 


Language Liberation: Moment of Silence


What was it like to listen? To be listened to?

Making friends and space for people builds unity, strengthens our movements.


Movement Building Panel Introduction

  • Briefly review movement building participatory art (who is in the room, experiences of movement building, any trends based on responses).
  • Frame the workshop and panel.
    • How do we see movements?
    • Powerful when we are united in movements.
    • What gets in the way of our movements?
      • Oppression.
      • Classism. Racism. Sexism.
      • State violence.
      • Interpersonal conflicts. Internalized oppression.
      • Healing/emotional work as social justice, liberation work.
      • Share movement building handout.
  • Introduce panelists, format, time, questions:
    • What movement(s) have you and your people been a part of to end the climate emergency?
    • What wins have you and your people had?
    • What challenges have you and your people had?
    • How have you and/or your people used the theory/tools/practice of SAL-UER to build united, resilient movements?


Panelist 1


Panelist 2


Language Liberation 1 Minute of Silence


Mini / Exchange Time


Panelist 3




Language Liberation 1 Minute of Silence


Q & A + Summary

Song: The Tide is Rising and So Are We





Teach Closing Activities - chanting/sing in rounds

  • Left side: P-O-W-E-R! We got the power! ‘Cuz we are the revolution!
  • Right side: We are unstoppable! Another world is possible!
  • Tatlong bagsak unity clap in the end!

 Closing: Group Photo in front of projection screen, Chant &

Unity Clap ending

Last modified: 2024-05-27 17:01:51+00