Articles on Care of the Environment and Teaching
The RC Community has published three issues of our Care of the Environment journal: Sustaining All Life, most recently in July 2021. You will find many excellent articles and resources there. Order from Rational Island Publishers. Available in print and as a PDF.
Key RC Articles
- Introducing the Unified Goal on the Climate , by Tim Jackins (2022)
- The New Climate Initiative, by Tim Jackins
- Why We Prioritize Addressing Climate Change, by Diane Shisk and Tim Jackins
- Toward a New Goal on Care of the Environment, by Tim Jackins (pdf)
- A New Goal on Care of the Environment, by Tim Jackins
- Care of the Environment and RC, by Wytske Visser (pdf)
- Activism (pdf), by Wytske Visser
- The Full Job of Restoring the Environment, by Tim Jackins
- Taking Action Toward Big Solutions, by Tim Jackins
- Making Big Changes, by Diane Shisk
- Climate Change and RC, by Tim Jackins and Diane Shisk
- Bringing Our Strengths as RCers to the Movement to Stop Climate Change , by Diane Shisk
Starting and Staying Engaged in the Climate Emergency
- Starting to Work on the Climate Emergency, by Diane Shisk (2022)
- Thinking Big as a Black Writer, by Aya de Leon (2022)
- How I Got Started, and Stay Engaged, in Climate Work, by Susan Lees (2022)
- My Climate Activism Story, by Marshall Ifeanyi (2022) (see many more stories in Present Time 209, April 2022)
- It's Time to Play a Big Role, by Madeleine Para
- Climate Change, and Ideas for Action, by John Braxton (pdf)
- The First Step is to Get in Motion, by Tim Jackins
Articles on the Environment, Racism, and Indigenous Liberation
- We Are Committed to Ending Racism as We Pursue the Goals of SAL”, Janet Kabue
- United to End Racism and Care of the Environment, by Diane Shisk
- Tools for Ending Racism in the Environmental Movement, SAL handout
- Connecting Racism and Care of the Environment, Alysia Tate
- Racism and Care of the Environment, by Berta Ramos-Ramirez
- Racism, Genocide, Colonialism, and Care of the Environment, by Russ Vernon-Jones
- A Class on Care of the Environment, for People Targeted by Racism, by Madeleine Para
- Care of the Environment and Indigenous Liberation Intertwined, by Alison Ehara-Brown
- Racism and Care of the Environment, by Elizabeth Saunders
Articles on Teaching about Care of the Environment
- Working-Class Voices in the Environmental Movement, by Dan Nickerson
- Young People and Care of the Environment, by Mari Piggott
- Jews and Care of the Environment, by JG
- The People's Climate March, by Dorothy Marcy
- A Class on the Environment, by Chris Austill
- A Listening Project and a Four-week Class on Climate Change, by Nancy Faulstich
- Working on the New Goal, by Diane Shisk
- Ending Unsustainable Lifestyles, by Dan Nickerson
- Connecting with the Environment--A First Step, by JG
- Care of the Environment (and various constituencies), by many
- Growth of the RC Community, and Care of the Environment, by Marion Ouphouet
Articles on Listening Projects
- A Listening Project at the Helsinki Climate March, by several
- A Listening Project at the Bristol Climate Change March, by Caroline New
- A Listening Project and a Four-week Class on Climate Change, by Nancy Faulstich
- Something We Can Do, by Tim Jackins
- Listening Projects About the Environment, by Tim Jackins
- A Listening Project and Climate Change, by Nancy Faulstich
Articles on Taking RC and COE into the World
- Using Sustaining All Life to Build Our Local RC Community, by M'Lis Bartlett
- Teaching RC to Climate Activists, by Jim Driscoll
- Taking Leadership on Climate Change, by Shelley Friedman
- A Student Project on Climate Change, by Nancy Faulstich
- A Climate Change Gathering for Family and Friends, by Cameron Hubbe
- Sustaining All Life, in Paris, by Diane Shisk
- Discharging on Climate Change and Trying Things, by Bo-Young Lim
- Sustaining All Life, in Boston, USA, by Jenene Cook
Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00