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Present Time
January 2025
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 Abuja, Nigeria

In my Community, Abuja Community- Nigeria, we have Climate moment in our Monthly RC Community Class . Our Support Group on Climate Emergency sessions and discharges every fortnightly and we were about carrying out tree planting project but were restricted by the Covid pandemic and series of lock down imposed by our government. With the ease of the lock down, we will be visiting the Climate Change office of the Federal Ministry of Environment on a fact finding mission about the concrete action of the government towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement of 2015.  The intention is to find a way to introduce RC into these projects. We will still embark on the Tree planting project and more when the situation improves.

Ugo Onyekwere

Merseyside, England

We have an XR group in Liverpool which moved online. A Northern working class group was set up to give people space to think and listen to each other and cry about COE. We did a bockade in Liverpool Autumn before last which was very successful. Due to pandemic no direct action undertaken for the last year but group still going strong and ready to spring into action at the first opportunity.

Lin Boyne

Lomé, Togo

Je suis très fier de vous répondre sur le changement climatique dans ma région. Je suis à Lomé la capitale du Togo.  Nous avons un groupe qui travaille depuis plus d'un an sur le terrain.

Composé de huit personnes tous leaders dans leur communauté respective. Nos activités se déroule une fois par mois. Nous nous rencontrons tous les derniers dimanches du mois.

Nous discutons sur les changements climatiques et la protection de l'environnement. Le groupe est dirigé par Mr MISSIGBE HOKAMETO. Fleuriste et agriculteur.

 j'enseigne et j'en courage tous les sujets de la protection de l'environnement à tous les leaders. et ils retourne dans leurs secteurs pour la retransmission .et réalisation. Pour ce qui est de nos  activités à réaliser dans les secteurs 

1 c'est la mobilisation des interdictions ,d'utilisation des sachets plastiques, dans l'environnement immédiat. Et nous encourageons la propriété , environnemental

2 nous encourageons la plantation des  arbres pour la protection de  l'environnement.

Nos  projets d'activités de cette année 2021 c'est d'abord  Vérifiez quelques jardins publiques dans la ville et planter des arbres . et dans les villages aussi, et continuer à sensibiliser et réveiller l'attention de toute le monde dans notre environnement sur l'urgence de la protection de l'environnement pour s'assurer de sauvé notre planète terre.

I am very proud to answer you about climate change in my region.
I am in Lomé, the capital of Togo. We have a group that has been working for more than a year in the field, composed of eight people all leaders in their respective communities. Our activities take place once a month. We meet every last Sunday of the month.  We discuss climate change and environmental protection.

I teach and courage all the subjects of environmental protection to all the leaders. and they return to their sectors for the retransmission and realization. As for our activities to be realized in the sectors  
1 It is the mobilization of prohibitions, of use  plastic bags, in the immediate environment.

2 we encourage the planting of trees for the protection of the environment.

Our projects of activities for this year 2021 is first of all check some public gardens in the city and plant trees and in the villages too,
and continue to raise awareness and awaken the attention of everyone in our environment to the urgency of environmental protection to ensure that we save our planet earth.

Missigbe Hokameto

 Southernmost Orange County

In our Southernmost Orange County community we have one COE/SAL support group that meets every two or three months for discharge on issues of climate change. As a group we are hoping to include Russ Vernon Jones' Climate Moments of discharge on what's good and hard in the climate news as a consistent part of our area's weekly ongoing class.

The RC members of this OC community however are active in a lot of ways on climate or COE (with obvious restriction due to COVID-19) -  One has been working with Long Beach grade schools to actively involve young people in planting native gardens he builds with community help on campus. He then uses the sites to design programs for the youth to act as community educators about numerous issues including biodiversity, drought and threats to sustainability; Another has been advocating in Orange County city council meetings for clean air and the establishment of a county-wide alternative energy provider run by the local cities to give everyone, especially low income people in cities the same access to affordable alternative energy as those with who have their own solar panels.  She also runs the Sierra Club's Climate Action Team Facebook page posting climate news and events and is co-chair of a local church Peace and Justice group keeping activist church members alerted to POC initiated responses to local environmental issues.

Another RCer's yard is an ongoing demonstration site for low water planting and urban farming on medians. She also interacts with students and adults from the neighborhood elementary school across the street about the dangers of plastic in the environment. One RC leader has become the electric car booster of his neighborhood using data from his solar paneled home and test drives in his all electric car to create understanding about the savings and importance of personal responsibility in getting off fossil fuels. Another RC member is teaching a class on climate change to college students and having students write research papers about things like CA wildfires and tail pipe emissions in India.  The Sunrise group he started last year is still going strong, and he is also leading a fundamentals class with two Citizens Climate Lobby leaders in it.

Suvan Geer

Last modified: 2022-05-19 17:01:28+00