Topics to Cover in Fundamentals Class
- Contradiction/counseling with attention away from distress
- Validation
- Complete Appreciation/Reality Agreement
- Intermittent/chronic patterns
- Identifications
- Dramatizing vs. discharging
- "Who's in Charge" in The Human Situation
- Feelings are not a reliable guide to action/holding directions outside of session/ addictions/ "Logic of Being Completely Logical" in The Human Situation
- Choosing Not to be Restimulated
- Counseling on Physical Distress
- "Nature of the Learning Process" in The Human Situation
- "Necessity of Long-Range Goals" in The Human Situation
- Oppression/liberation generally
- Racism
- Classism
- Sexism
- Men's Oppression
- Identity - "claim it, discharge it, throw it away"
- Counseling with Commitments
- Reclaiming Power
- "Don't Take it Personally" in A Better World
- "The Central Importance of Contradiction" in A Better World
- Exchange of Roles
- Keeping counseling notebooks
- A Rational Theory of Sexuality and Counseling on Early Sexual Memories (Pamphlets)
- Relationships/frozen needs
- Counseling children/family work
- "You & Me, Counselor," from "An Exciting New Counseling Approach" in The Kind, Friendly Universe, page 47
- Generalized understatement
- The Enjoyment of Leadership
- RC Literature as a Tool for Re-emergence
- Bringing Friends into RC
- The Guidelines/The RC Community
- "Give Up False Expectations and 'Disappointment'" in Start Over Every Morning, page 3, or Present Time, No. 72
A Possible List of Fundamentals Class Reading Assignments
- Fundamentals Manual (assigned over a couple of weeks)
- "Counseling with Attention Away from Distress"
- "The Complete Appreciation of Oneself" in The Human Situation
- article on the Reality Agreement in The Kind, Friendly Universe, pages 23 and 39
- "The Nature of the Learning Process" in The Human Situation
- "A Fourth Point" in Start Over Every Morning, page 131
- "Who's in Charge" in The Human Situation
- "The Logic of Being Completely Logical" in The Human Situation
- "Flexible Human in the Rigid Society" in The Human Situation
- "Human Liberation" in The Human Situation
- Articles from The Upward Trend on oppression and liberation
- "Discussion Towards a Classless Society" in A Better World
- The Liberation of Asians
- Internalized Oppression
- "The Chronic Patterns of Classism" in A Better World
- "The Discharge of Patterns of White Racism by White Co-counselors" in A Better World
- Journal of their choice (to be reported on in class)
- The Liberation of Men
- A Rational Theory of Sexuality
- Counseling on Early Sexual Memories
- Relationship handouts
- How Parents Can Counsel Their Children (pamphlet - first part)
- "The Frontiers of Co-Counseling" in A Better World
- "Don't Take it Personally" in A Better World
- "The Central Importance of Contradiction" in A Better World
- "Commitment to the Upward Trend" in A Better World
- "On the Trail of Powerlessness" in A Better World
- "Counseling as a Tool for Freeing a Person of Particular Physical Distress Symptoms or Particular Kinds of Non-Survival Behavior" in A Better World
- "The Necessity of Long-Range Goals" in The Human Situation
- "Bringing Friends Into Co-Counseling" in The Human Situation
- "Give Up False Expectations and 'Disappointment'", by Harvey Jackins, in Start Over Every Morning, page 3, or Present Time, No. 72, page 36
- The Enjoyment of Leadership
- Structure of the RC Communities (handout)
Mary Ruth Gross
Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00