News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

A “Learning About the Guidelines” Class

In response to Tim’s e-mail (below) about the Guidelines, I am leading a “learning about the Guidelines” class in my Community. It’s a one-evening class that is meeting three separate times so that people can choose a time that works for them. It’s fun. I just led the second class tonight. I am requiring participation (in one of the three classes) for all RC teachers and assistants in my Region.*

I talk about the Guidelines—why we have them, how to use them, who makes them, and so on—and then offer a variety of topics people can choose from. We take turns reading from the Guidelines and discharge when necessary, and everyone seems to learn a lot. Popular topics have been (1) What does it mean to be an RC Community member instead of “just” a Co-Counselor? (2) How does money work in RC? (3) What is RC policy on psychiatric and recreational drugs? (4) How does one become an RC teacher? (5) What do we do about patterns of criticism, attack, and violence?

As they begin to understand that their thinking is welcome and their ideas are taken seriously, people seem more invested in the Community as participants (rather than observers). One person said that she would be much less likely to be critical of the Guidelines now that she saw them as a composite of all of our thinking—including, theoretically, her own.

Andrea Blum
Austin, Texas, USA
Reprinted from the e-mail discussion
list for Regional Reference Persons
and the January 2009 Present Time

 Dear Reference Persons,

As the Pre-World Conferences begin, it’s time for RCers who are familiar with the Guidelines to consider what if any modifications to them would be useful for the next four years. There are two main categories to consider: changes of substance and changes of wording. Additionally, we have the opportunity to set a few new goals for our Community.

Since many RCers have had limited contact with the Guidelines, their history, and their purpose, this is a chance for them to understand the Community more fully by looking at the Guidelines.

Would you please help the leaders in the Areas of your Region, and those outside of Areas, think about how best to use this opportunity, by means of gather-ins and so on?

It would be useful if Reference Persons shared their ideas about and experiences with this on this list.

Thank you.

With love and appreciation,

Tim Jackins
Reprinted from the e-mail discussion 
list for Regional Reference Persons 
and the January 2009 Present Time 

* A Region is a subdivision of the International Re-evaluation Counseling Community, usually consisting of several Areas.

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00