News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

A Sample Introductory Lecture (notes)

  1. Introductions
    • Name
    • How did you hear about RC and why did you decide to come to this talk?
    • How did you get into RC and what has it done for you?
  2. Short description of RC
    • Vast, flexible intelligence; love of life; great relationships—caring and communication; inherent power
    • Ability to handle each situation in a unique, flexible way, to come up with creative new, successful responses
    • Why do we make repetitive mistakes, feel bad? We get hurt; we have bad relationships
    • When we get hurt our mind gets stuck if we don’t have the conditions and the time to recover.
    • Emotional discharge—our natural, inherent recovery process
    • What we’re going to do in this class is get our minds unstuck. We will help each other do this.
    • RC has one goal: I help you. You help me (to heal from distress).
  3. Short demonstration
    Take someone’s hand and show what human attention does.
  4. Introduction to Mini-session #1
    • Explain about taking turns
    • RC relationships—we use them to listen to each other, to heal
    • What is attention?
    • Topics for mini-session:
      1) What is pulling at your attention? What’s on top?*
      2) Is there a situation in which you respond inflexibly? Or is there something else you want to change?
  5. Questions, comments
    How was the mini-session? What were you thinking? How were you feeling? What was it like to be the listener (counselor)? To be the talker (client)?
  6. More basic theory
    • The difference between the person and the pattern: one is the way we act as a result of having been hurt; the other is the way we really are, inherently
    • We can use RC relationships to practice acting/being the way we are inherently
    • Distress patterns are the sole source of human irrationality
    • We walk around waiting for someone to listen to how we’ve been hurt; we also get scared of feeling these hurts
  7. Demonstration: Don’t push the client; ask him or her to talk about what he or she wants to talk about.
  8. Questions
  9. RC policies: Confidentiality, no socializing, no drugs or alcohol
  10. Details about the class: Starting date, time, place, payment

Jenny Sazama
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts, USA

*What’s on top means what feeling are you noticing right now?

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00