News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

What We've Done
Where We're Going
SAL Fundraiser
Sunday, August 18


U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Fundamentals Class Outline #1

Class 1 - Basic Human Nature and Listening

  • Basic theory
  • humanness
  • intelligence--definition, how much, how it operates
  • other inherent characteristics
  • effects of unhealed hurts, sources of hurts, oppression
  • recovery process
  • Co-Counseling
  • International RC Communities
  • Some important words
  • The postulates of RC
  • The art of listening
  • The art of being a client
  • What to do in your first Co-Counseling session

Class 2 - Distress Recordings

  • The nature of distress recordings, irrationality
  • The three ways distress is encountered; accident, contagion, oppression; history of the oppressive society, classism
  • The two effects of undischarged distress, restimulation and reduced function
  • Intermittent vs. chronic patterns, how to recognize a pattern
  • Short and long term effects of distress
  • The distinction between the person and the pattern; importance as a contradiction to internalized oppression

Class 3 - Discharge

  • The mechanisms of discharge, dramatization vs. discharge, basic order
  • Patterns that interfere with discharge; control patterns; cultural patterns and pressures to conform
  • The oppression of young people, parents, young adults, older adults, women, men, artists, and the oppression of the "mental health" system
  • Family work; special time
  • Sustained discharge, intensives
  • Re-evaluation
  • Re-emergence

Class 4 - Contradictions

  • Contradictions to distress patterns
  • The four things to do while being a counselor
  • The counselor as bagpiper
  • Contradicting patterns related to oppression; internalized oppression; oppressor patterns; example: racism and internalized racism

Class 5 - Simple Counseling Techniques

  • Counseling techniques
  • News and goods
  • Attention out
  • Balance of attention
  • Spectrum of Techniques
  • Rapid review of related experiences
  • Early memories
  • Occluded memories
  • Asking questions
  • Directions in and out of session
  • Appreciation and self-appreciation
  • Counseling on control patterns
  • Identification checks
  • Counseling on internalized oppression and oppressor patterns; example: anti-Jewish oppression; religion and Co-Counseling

Class 6 - Human Needs and Addictions

  • Rational needs
  • Frozen needs
  • Addictions
  • Counseling on physical well-being
  • Counseling on learning
  • Counseling on creativity
  • Counseling on disabled people's oppression, ageism; oppressions that target particular distresses

Class 7 - Relationships and Sexuality

  • Love and closeness between human beings
  • Rational relationships
  • A rational theory of sexuality
  • How to counsel on distress related to sexuality
  • Sexual identities
  • Counseling on sexism, men's oppression, and the oppression of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

Class 8 - Thinking, Logic, and Power

  • Awareness
  • Complete freedom of choice
  • Complete power
  • The logic of being completely logical, eliminating addictions
  • Holding directions
  • Complete appreciation of oneself
  • Who's in charge
  • The importance of long-range goals
  • Wide-world change
  • Commitment to re-emergence
  • Frontier commitments
  • Strategizing one's re-emergence, client's and counselor's notebooks

Class 9 - Reality

  • Reality vs. pseudo-reality
  • Counseling with attention away from the distress
  • Role exchange technique
  • The Reality Agreement
  • The Understatement
  • Educational change

Class 10 - The Oppressive Society

  • The one-point program of Re-evaluation Counseling
  • Oppression and economic exploitation
  • History of the oppressive society
  • Patterns related to oppression
  • Forms of oppression

Class 11 - Liberation From Oppression

  • Two kinds of patterns
  • Discharging oppressor patterns
  • Discharging internalized oppression
  • Propositions for human liberation
  • Wide-world change
  • Educational change

Class 12 - The Re-evaluation Counseling Community

  • The RC Community
  • Theory and policy, The Guidelines
  • Community Membership
  • Leadership; building your own world community
  • Literature
  • Workshops, support groups, classes, etc.
  • Re-evaluation Counseling Community Resources Incorporated and the Re-evaluation Foundation

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00