News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!


RC Teacher Packets:

  • Are typically distributed every 12 - 24 months.
  • Vary in content and cost depending upon what literature has been recently released.
  • Are invoiced at the time of shipment.

The Request for Certification as an RC Teacher form includes the following agreement about Teacher Packets as a condition of becoming an RC teacher:

All RC teachers are expected, as part of their responsibility as RC teachers, to receive Teachers' Packets (one copy of each new RC publication in English) and display and sell the literature to the students in their classes. The teacher may sell the literature to her or his students or, if she or he wishes to keep it personally, take orders from the students or encourage them to order it for themselves. All the literature should be available to anyone teaching or learning RC. The only exception is if the teacher and her or his students do not read English.

If the cost of the literature is a hardship for you as a particular teacher and you cannot sell it or purchase it without help, you are expected to notify the International Reference Person that International Outreach Funds are needed by you in order to pay for the literature. This will not happen automatically. You, as the teacher, must apply for the International Outreach Funds to the International Reference Person and must take responsibility for seeing that this application is made.


If you are not an RC Teacher and wish to receive the RC Teacher Packets, or if you are an RC Teacher and wish to confirm your subscription status email your request and current mailing address to

You will receive your first Teacher Packet when the next one becomes available; depending on timing, this may be as much as a year or more after you subscribe. Meanwhile you can order any RC literature you want.



+1 206 284 0311, Chris is eager to help you. Leave a message with your first & last name, number, time zone, and good times to reach you.

Last modified: 2024-12-24 00:20:12+00