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January 2025
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RC and Wide World Change

There were about a hundred and sixty of us at Wide World Changing One. We arrived in the middle of a blizzard. Some people spent fourteen hours with their cars stuck in snowbanks on the way. We had a great variety of people there who worked in various “left” and “revolutionary” organizations. The key issue was, were these people going to continue to try to bring the programs of those groups into the RC Community (where their efforts were causing considerable disruption) or were they instead going to take RC techniques and knowledge into their wide-world-changing, activist, or “revolutionary” organizations?

Amazingly, in one weekend, the issue was thoroughly settled. We reached complete agreement that the RC Community must work out its own program and that an activist’s job was to take RC knowledge and skills into the wide-world-changing organizations to improve their functioning, rather than 
the reverse.

Harvey Jackins

From page 612 of “Working Effectively 
in the Wide World” in The Benign Reality

(Present Time 201, October 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00