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Anne Greenwald


January 2025
Present Time
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O Parents, Teachers, and all such Instructors,
Permit them learn.
Each mind is thirsty-eager.
If never blamed, nor scolded, nor negated;
No single “No!” nor “Wrong” to leave confusion;
No disapproving frown to mar affection;
Each grows more thirsty and more eager always.

A little at one time is knowledge’s portion
And that related to things known already.
No more until the last has been digested,
Related, understood, communicated
Back in the learner’s words to the instructor.
Without this nothing justifies proceeding.

Once understood, new portion offered swiftly
Lest boredom’s tarnish dull the mind’s quicksilver.
Banish all tests, all grades, all kinds of ratings.
These only rate environment and teacher
And much confuse the learner about learning.

Love openly and well the eager learners
And twice as much the ones whose hurts prevent them.
Loved and approved, they’ll find a way to discharge.
Then let them weep and shake and laugh and temper,
And treasure the keenness of the minds emerging.

Harvey Jackins

From the beginning of “The Nature of the Learning 
Process,” on page 88 of The Human Situation

(Present Time 200, July 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00