News flash


Value of RC Literature
& Joy of Reading
Saturday, February 22
Marilyn Robb

operational again!

Making Basic RC Literature More Accessible

Dear Nancy and all [see articles on previous page],

Rational Island Publishers is working on how to make the basic RC literature more accessible to everyone during this time (and after). In the meantime, a few suggestions:

You can find The Human Side of Human Beings here: <>.

The Art of Listening is here: <>.

Here is the publication: How to Begin RC: <>.

Here is the “Welcome Message to New Co-Counselors from Tim Jackins”: <>.

Here are some audio introductions from Harvey Jackins and Tim Jackins: <>.

If you have a copy of The Fundamentals Teaching Guide, all of the articles referred to in that publication are now online and available to you and your students here:

Articles by Category can be found here: <>.

Many of the key articles going back to 1975 can be found here: <>.

You can also use the “search” function on the RC website to look for individual articles. Most of the old issues of Present Time are online as PDFs, but you have to search through the PDF to find the article. Let us know what you want that isn’t out there. (We’re working on the Fundamentals of Co-Counseling Manual and The Human Situation.) 

Diane Shisk

Alternate International Reference
Person for the RC Communities

Shoreline, Washington, USA

Reprinted from the e-mail
discussion list for RC teachers

(Present Time 200, July 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00