News flash


Healing the Hurts
of Capitialism
Azi Khalili &
Mike Markovits
Sunday, July 28

What We've Done
Where We're Going
SAL Fundraiser
Sunday, August 18


U.S. Election Project

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Sessions and Literature 
in Online RC Classes 

Hi RC teachers! 

Does anyone have thoughts about the following? 

  • I’m not sure how to set up Co-Counseling sessions in an online setting. I can send people into breakout rooms to schedule them or rely on them to do it outside of class—but this is always a little iffy [unreliable] with new or even experienced people.
  • I’m teaching a three-week class. I haven’t emphasized setting up listening times outside of class. I think people can get a sense of what RC is about by experiencing it in class without having to make a bigger time commitment, without knowing much. I’m also reluctant to push people to share their contact information with each other when they are meeting online.
  • What about access to RC literature? I’d rather not mail books out to everyone. Has anyone put together a syllabus with links to articles that are online?

Thank you!

Nancy Faulstich

Watsonville, California, USA

Reprinted from the e-mail
discussion list for RC teachers

(Present Time 200, July 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00