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January 2025
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A journal well worth waiting for!

Side By Side No. 4, Volume 1

It has been several years since the last issue of Side By Side, the journal for LGBTQ RCers and their allies. As happens with all constituencies, and as will be clear from the pages of this exciting new issue, clarity and understanding have grown with discharge, re-evaluation, and changing times. 

The following is from the introduction to Side By Side No. 4:

Side By Side represents the experiences and the work of people from many countries, ages, and identities. It is no longer simply a “Gay liberation” journal. There now exist many identities. These identities provide a home base for people whose lives can often be more fully understood in light of a distinct sex- and/or gender-based identity.

Conditions and cultures are changing rapidly in many places worldwide. These changes affect us all. We are all invited to discharge on sex and identity. Some of our long-held assumptions about what is “normal” may no longer be accurate when seen through the filters of change and discharge. 

In Re-evaluation Counseling we are all expected to check our assumptions through the discharge and re-evaluation process. The subjects of sex and identity are no exception.

$4.00, plus postage and handling


International Liberation Reference Person for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Trasngender People

and D—

Assistant International Liberation Reference Person for 
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Transgender People

(Present Time 200, July 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00