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January 2025
Present Time
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The U.S. Election Is Critical 
to Addressing
the Climate Emergency

The U.S. election this year is critical to addressing the climate emergency. I wrote an article for a wide world publication to help people understand the urgency of the situation, why the United States must join global efforts for climate action, and why part of our climate activism must be getting people to vote Democratic in November. Another four years of this administration would result in a global climate catastrophe.

I published my article on It is the first article I’ve written for the wide world on why I think replacing this administration in the November elections is one of the most important things we in the United States can do in the next seven months to address the climate emergency. 

I led two Sustaining All Life workshops in the fall on this topic and two gather-ins for the RC Community in the last few weeks. My article contains the rationale for my conclusions. The title is “‘4 more years’ means (at least) 4°C of global warming.” As you probably know, scientists predict that that level of warming would pose an existential threat to humanity and other life forms. 

I am hoping that this article will be useful to those of us who are talking to others about why they should vote and why they should vote Democratic in the fall elections. (You can forward them the link, then listen to them about what they think, and then share your thoughts.) Many people are discouraged by the electoral process in the United States, discouraged enough to think it doesn’t matter if they don’t vote, or it doesn’t matter which party they vote for. 

The key point in the article is that this administration undermines action on climate change globally and will be even worse if re-elected. If we don’t elect an administration that will move forward on these 
issues, the world (not just the United States) is facing much more rapid global warming and the resulting tipping points. I think a lot of people don’t realize how urgent it is that the United States address the climate emergency now. 

My understanding is that if enough people indicate they like this article online (by “clapping” at the end), it will make it more likely I can get it published elsewhere, which I’m going to try to do next week. Here is the link: 

I hope the article is useful to you and that you like it. If you have feedback, I’d love to hear that, too. Thank you for taking on these important issues with me.

Diane Shisk

International Commonality Reference
Person for the Care of the Environment

Reprinted from the RC e-mail
discussion list for USA political issues

(Present Time 200, July 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00