News flash


Racism and
Climate Change

Janet Kabue &
Bafana Matsebula
Sunday, September 1

Fair Share in the
Global North
Janet Kabue &
Diane Shisk
Saturday, September 7
Sunday, September 8

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Taking Climate Action

At an Allies to Native People’s Workshop led by Marcie Rendon (the International Liberation Reference Person for Native Americans), I made a life-changing decision. (I think one of the great gifts of going to RC workshops is that you get enough discharge and perspective to think clearly about life and make important decisions.) I decided to leave one of my jobs and devote the time I would have spent there to working exclusively on climate issues. 

Earlier I had given a sermon at my Catholic church on the Pope’s encyclical (formal statement) “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home,” which calls on all people to take swift action to care for our planet. When I thought about that, I realized that I am in the perfect position to lead. 

I’ve been using the RC commitment against pretense* to stay focused. (“I’m obviously completely incompetent and completely inadequate to handle the challenges which reality places before me. However (fortunately or unfortunately), I happen to be the best person available.”) I feel “completely incompetent” in these matters, but “I’m the best person available.” Discharge of fear is abundant as I (mostly joyfully) implement my decision.

Over the past several years I have done the following: 

  • I have created an organization of over two hundred people whose work has led to the banning of hydrofracking (deep-well gas drilling) in the state of New York, USA.
  • I have joined and am now on the board of directors of a local renewable energy education program that reaches hundreds of youth and adults every year.
  • I have joined and taken leadership in a regional political action organization of several hundred people that in the last election helped to defeat a strong climate change denier and elect a strong environmental candidate.
  • I have joined and am leading in a regional climate change action group, United Climate Action Network (UCAN).
  • I’m on my local solar committee and determining how to integrate large solar arrays into our rural landscape and farming community.
  • I’ve been appointed to our U.S. congress representative’s Environmental Advisory Committee.

My goal is to help create a regional organization of several thousand people who are addressing the climate emergency in our part of the world. 

I am making the road as I go and need lots of discharge to stay focused and move ahead. For example, I work on keeping my sense of humor when I make mistakes (“Oops, there I go again”). 

My personal goal is to make a lot of friends along the way and stay closely connected to my “gang.” 

* "I'm obviously  completely incompetent and completely inadequate to handle the challenges which reality places before me. However (fortunately or unfortunately), I happen to be the best person available."


Phil Rose

Cazenovia, New York, USA

(Present Time 199, April 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00