News flash


Racism and
Climate Change

Janet Kabue &
Bafana Matsebula
Sunday, September 1

Fair Share in the
Global North
Janet Kabue &
Diane Shisk
Saturday, September 7
Sunday, September 8

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


A Young People’s Workshop in Nigeria

A young people’s workshop took place in Lagos, Nigeria, in November 2019. It was led by me, Aaliyah Ejeh. I am twelve years old. I live in Nigeria with my family. I started RC when I was two years old. My mom is also an RCer and has been doing RC for more than fifteen years. My dad and siblings are also RCers. 

I teach RC to young people. Our RC Community agreed that we needed a young people’s workshop. I was excited about it. We prepared for it by meeting in RC classes on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Topics included language liberation and culture restoration. My mom and I discussed getting supplies for the workshop—balloons, balls, mats, and so on. 

I was nervous, so we began meeting every day to discharge our feelings about the workshop.

November 16th came. It was time to show the young people our best work. We taught about young people’s oppression, what RC is, ways of discharging, and more. After the teaching and Co-Counseling sessions we had a break. After that we presented a drama on climate change and talked about reducing its effects. We also discussed how to spread RC to more young people. 

Most of the young people enjoyed the workshop. It was a great experience for me—it was great to teach RC to young people like me. 

Aaliyah EJeh

Lagos, Nigeria

My name is Hadassah. I have been doing RC since I was five years old. I am seven now. Our classes before the workshop happened at a time when I am usually doing homework. This was stressful because I had to do my homework late at night. The workshop was great for me. There were not a lot of people my age, but I got along with the people who were there. 

Hadassah Omomaro Ejeh

Lagos, Nigeria

My name is Treasure. I am nine years old and live in Nigeria with my family. I am new in RC. My mom is also an RCer. Before the workshop started, we learned about oppression, racism, sexism, and climate change. Oppression makes a child feel less human. When the day came, we had a lot of fun. There were balls, mats, and balloons, and we played games. We also had classes, including a language liberation class, and discharged. The workshop made us happy. It educated me and the others.

Treasure Chikwado

Lagos, Nigeria

Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders of young people

(Present Time 199, April 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00