News flash


Racism and
Climate Change

Janet Kabue &
Bafana Matsebula
Sunday, September 1

Fair Share in the
Global North
Janet Kabue &
Diane Shisk
Saturday, September 7
Sunday, September 8

FREE Stickers

Elected Officials Panel

Thoughts on Liberation
new RC eBook


Newest RC Teacher Update 
Available Digitally

The newest RC Teacher Update CD (RCTU 62) is of Tim Jackins’s talk “Boldly Working Together in New Ways.”

Along with being on the CD, it is also available digitally. 

Subscribers to the RC Teacher Update series will be e-mailed the link and the password. Non-subscribers can order the digital version for the same price as the CD.

For information about all the RC Teacher Updates, go to pages 103 and 104.


Rational Island Publishers

(Present Time 199, April 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00