Taking on the Whole Jewish Liberation Program
Cherie Brown (the International Liberation Reference Person for Jews) started and ended the last RC Jewish Leaders’ Conference with a direction for us to take on [act on] the entire RC Jewish liberation program.
In the last year as I’ve been moving toward getting my local Jewish community to look at climate change and take action on it, I have bumped into anti-Semitism, internalized anti-Semitism, classism, and feelings about Israel. Cherie’s challenge has clarified for me that this is not an annoying coincidence but actually to be expected and a good thing! It makes sense for me to start out by taking on the whole Jewish liberation program rather than finding myself dragged, screaming and kicking, into more and more parts of it.
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Reprinted from the RC e-mail discussion list for leaders of Jews
(Present Time 198, January 2020)