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January 2025
Present Time
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About Teaching RC

The teacher of Re-evaluation Counseling teaches mostly by example. Students learn to counsel by practice counseling, by being counseled, by seeing others being counseled. So the teacher is necessarily a counselor in practice much of the time, demonstrating techniques, getting discharge started for Co-Counselors to continue with, eliciting discharge from students, both in the class and in informal conferences.

Counseling theory is the summary and distillation of experience with counseling. It is a composite of, and explanation of, the common features of the counseling that have worked well. We stress at every turn that there should be no rigidity in the application of the theory, that the basic principles have to be applied flexibly and differently in every session.

There is a real need for offering theory, but when it is done well it is not preached or “told” to the students but rather demonstrated. The discussions of theory which are remembered well by students are the discussions which appear in answer to questions students ask, and even more particularly, in response to difficulties which the students have experienced and which they bring to the teacher for a solution.

Harvey Jackins

From page 3 of “The Teacher of Re-evaluation Counseling,” in A New Kind of Communicator

(Present Time 198, January 2020)

Last modified: 2022-12-25 10:17:04+00